
👏 Welcome to the Gist API reference 👏

You can use the Gist API to integrate Gist into other software applications and custom workflows.

The API is designed to be a predictable and intuitive way to interact with your company’s Gist workspace.

Like Gist itself the API is under continuous development, so changes and improvements are to be expected. Be sure to keep an eye on our Changelog to receive information on new additions and changes to both Gist and the API when we release new features and changes.

For more information about Gist products, you can visit our product documentation.

If you’re looking to install Gist on your website or web application using our client-side JavaScript API, you can find the instructions here.


Example Request

$ curl --request GET \
-s \
-H 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
-H 'Content-Type:application/json'

Make sure to replace ACCESS_TOKEN with your API key.

Authenticate your workspace when using the API by including your secret API Key in the request. You can access your API Key in the Integration Settings on your Gist dashboard.

Note that your API Key allows you access to your private contact data in Gist and as such it should not be shared outside of your company. If a certain integration, that's not listed on our Integrations page, requests your API Key, please reach out to us, and don't share your key with anyone. Also, do not share your secret API keys in publicly accessible areas such GitHub, client-side code, and so forth.

Authentication to the API is performed via HTTP Bearer Auth.

You need to send your API Key in the Authorization header in each request. Ex: Authorization: Bearer sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2 where sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2 is the API Key. To learn more about the bearer token framework, please see the official spec here.

Working with OAuth

OAuth is a secure means of authentication that uses authorization tokens rather than an access token to connect your app to a user's workspace. Initiating OAuth access is the first step towards allowing users to install your app in their Gist workspace(s).

The OAuth flow allows you to customize the user’s experience by passing additional parameters to Gist. Some common examples are explained below, and the rest of the reference lists every possible option.

Learn more here.

Rate Limits

This API is rate limited to 100 requests for 10 seconds per workspace. Any requests beyond that are rejected with a http 429 response code. Also, note that all integrations must comply with the Gist's Terms of Use.


Gist uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate success or failure of an API request. In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that resulted from the provided information (e.g. a required parameter was missing, a search failed, etc.), and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with Gist’s servers.

Code Name Description
200 OK Everything worked as expected.
400 Bad Request Your request could not be processed. Often due to missing a required parameter.
400 Invalid Action The action requested was not valid for this resource.This error is returned when you try to access an action that doesn't exist. For example, /campaigns/{id}/subscribe
400 JSON Parse Error We encountered an unspecified JSON parsing error.This error means that your JSON was formatted incorrectly or was considered invalid or incomplete.
401 API Key Missing Your request did not include an API key.This error suggests that your API key was missing from your request, or that something was formatted or named improperly in your header.
401 API Key Invalid Your API key may be invalid.Check that your API key was input correctly.
403 Forbidden You are not permitted to access this resource.
403 Workspace Disabled This workspace has been disabled.Contact our support team if you need more help.
404 Not Found The requested resource could not be found. This error tells you a specific resource doesn't exist. It's possible that the resource has been moved or deleted, or that there's a typo in your request.
405 Method Not Allowed The requested method and resource are not compatible. See the Allow header for this resource's available methods.This error means that the requested resource does not support the HTTP method you used.
429 Too Many Requests You have maxed your number of API calls for the provided time window.
500, 502, 503, 504 Server errors An unexpected internal error has occurred at our end. Please contact Support for more information.This error lets you know our servers have experienced a problem. Although this is rare, please contact [email protected] to let us know that you've encountered this error.

API Structure

API Area API Endpoint Description
Articles Fetch, search, delete, create and update your articles.
Collections Fetch, delete, create and update your collections.
Contacts Fetch, search, create and update your contacts.
Events View your events and track contact activity.
Tags Fetch, create, update and delete your contact tags. Attach/detach tags to contacts.
Segments View your workspace's Segments.
Forms Fetch list of forms, form submissions. Subscribe contacts to the forms.
Campaigns Fetch, pause or set live a campaign or list all Contacts subscribed to a campaign.
Subscription types View your workspace's subscription types. Attach/detach subscription types to contacts.
Conversations List conversations you have with visitors and contacts. Add notes and reply to conversations.
Teams View your workspace's teammates.
Teammates View your workspace's teams.
Token Fetch token information along with current workspace ID.


An article in project documentation is a concise piece of written content that explains specific features, functionalities, or usage instructions. It serves as a reference guide for users, offering clear explanations and step-by-step instructions on how to interact with or utilize aspects of the project. Articles aim to provide users with the necessary information to understand and effectively use the project's capabilities.

The Article object

Example Response

    "article": {
        "id": 2,
        "parent_id": 24,
        "secondary_ids": [],
        "default_locale": "en",
        "statistics": {
            "views": 7,
            "reactions": 0,
            "helpful_reactions": 0,
            "unhelpful_reactions": 0
        "translations": {
            "en": {
                "author": {
                    "id": 824,
                    "name": "John",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "avatar": ""
                "title": "Getting Started with Gist: Your Day 1 Checklist",
                "description": "A quick guide to help you start strong from day 1 with Gist.",
                "html_text": "<p>👋 Welcome to Gist!
                 We understand that the first step is always the hardest, but with this guide, we hope to make the process easier for you.
                 Whether you are a startup or a large enterprise, we're excited to have you onboard.
                 This guide is based on the insights we've gathered from thousands of our successful customers, so you can be sure it's well-tested and effective.</p>",
                "status": "published",
                "created_at": 1193141363,
                "updated_at": 1539763645,
                "url": ""

An Article object describes the Article and contains the following fields

Property Type Description
id integer The id representing the article
parent_id integer The id representing the primary_collection
secondary_ids array The array representing the ids of secondary_collection
default_locale string The default language of article
statistics object The data of the articles statistics like views_count,count of reaction , helpful and unhelpful reaction count
translations object The data of the articles in different language
title string Title of the article
description string Description of the article
html_text html Content of the article
status string Status of the article (published or draft)
created_at timestamp The time of the article was created
updated_at timestamp The time of the article was last updated
url string Url of the article

Retrieve an Article

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "article": {
        "id": 2,
        "parent_id": 24,
        "secondary_ids": [],
        "default_locale": "en",
        "statistics": {
            "views": 7,
            "reactions": 0,
            "helpful_reactions": 0,
            "unhelpful_reactions": 0
        "translations": {
            "en": {
                "author": {
                    "id": 824,
                    "name": "John",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "avatar": ""
                "title": "Getting Started with Gist: Your Day 1 Checklist",
                "description": "A quick guide to help you start strong from day 1 with Gist.",
                "html_text": "<p>👋 Welcome to Gist!
                 We understand that the first step is always the hardest, but with this guide, we hope to make the process easier for you.
                 Whether you are a startup or a large enterprise, we're excited to have you onboard.
                 This guide is based on the insights we've gathered from thousands of our successful customers, so you can be sure it's well-tested and effective.</p>",
                "status": "published",
                "created_at": 1193141363,
                "updated_at": 1539763645,
                "url": ""

You can fetch a Article from a Workspace by sending a GET request to{id} with id as the parameter.

An Article ID can be found by pull a list of Article using the Article API, as documented below.


An Article object.

List all articles

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "articles": [
        "id": 2,
        "parent_id": 24,
        "secondary_ids": [],
        "default_locale": "en",
        "statistics": {
            "views": 7,
            "reactions": 0,
            "helpful_reactions": 0,
            "unhelpful_reactions": 0
        "translations": {
            "en": {
                "author": {
                    "id": 824,
                    "name": "John",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "avatar": ""
                "title": "Getting Started with Gist: Your Day 1 Checklist",
                "description": "A quick guide to help you start strong from day 1 with Gist.",
                "html_text": "<p>👋 Welcome to Gist!
                 We understand that the first step is always the hardest, but with this guide, we hope to make the process easier for you.
                 Whether you are a startup or a large enterprise, we're excited to have you onboard.
                 This guide is based on the insights we've gathered from thousands of our successful customers, so you can be sure it's well-tested and effective.</p>",
                "status": "published",
                "created_at": 1193141363,
                "updated_at": 1539763645,
                "url": ""
    "page": {
        "prev": "",
        "next": "",
        "first": "",
        "last": ""

You can fetch all articles from a Workspace by sending a GET request to

The articles list is sorted by the created property and by default is ordered descending, most recently created at first.

Request Parameters

The following optional parameters can be used to request the result page size and which page to fetch.

Parameter Required Description
page no The page of results to fetch. Defaults to first page
per_page no The number of results per page. Defaults to 50, max is 60
order no The sort order of the returned article list. asc or desc. Defaults to desc
order_by no The property to sort the fetched results by. Defaults to created_at. Other options: last_seen_at, signed_up_at, updated_at
status no Filter by one of the following statuses: published, or draft. Defaults to all.
collection_id no Filter by collection_id. Defaults to all.
author_id no Filter by author_id. Defaults to all.

Returns: .

The Article list contains a pages object that indicates if more articles exist via the next field, whose value is a URL that can be used to fetch the next page. If the next field is not present, that indicates there are no further articles in the list.


A paginated list of Article object.

Create an article

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data  '{
             "parent_id": 2,
             "secondary_ids": [1,4],
             "translations": {
               "en": {
                 "author_id": 824,
                 "title": "Customize the Gist Messenger to match your brand?",
                 "description": "Discover how to customize the launch of Gist Messenger to open chat with a simple button or link click.",
                 "html_text": "<p>Ever wanted to customize when and how your Gist Messenger launches? This guide will instruct you on how to make the Gist Messenger open when somebody clicks a specific button or link on your website or in your app. This functionality is great if you want to keep the chat widget hidden by default and reveal it only upon specific user interactions.</p>",
                 "status": "published"
               "fr": {
                 "author_id": 824,
                 "title": "अपनी ब्रांड के साथ Gist Messenger को कस्टमाइज़ कैसे करें?",
                 "description": "जानें कि कैसे आप अपनी वेबसाइट या अपने ऐप में किसी विशेष बटन या लिंक क्लिक करने पर Gist Messenger को लॉन्च करने को कस्टमाइज़ कर सकते हैं।",
                 "html_text": "<p>क्या कभी आपने अपने Gist Messenger को कस्टमाइज़ करने की इच्छा की है? यह गाइड आपको यह बताएगा कि कैसे किसी विशेष उपयोगकर्ता प्रविष्टि पर क्लिक करने पर Gist Messenger को खोलें। यह फ़ंक्शनैलिटी बहुत उपयोगी है अगर आप चाहते हैं कि चैट विजेट डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से छिपा रहे और उसे केवल विशेष उपयोगकर्ता प्रविष्टियों पर प्रकट करें।</p>",
                 "status": "published"

Example Response

    "article": {
        "id": 10,
        "parent_id": 24,
        "secondary_ids": [1,4],
        "default_locale": "fr",
        "statistics": {
            "views": 7,
            "reactions": 0,
            "helpful_reactions": 0,
            "unhelpful_reactions": 0
        "translations": {
            "en": {
                "author": {
                    "id": 824,
                    "name": "Saravanakumar Subramanian mallow",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "avatar": "/system/users_profiles/profile_photos/000/002/063/medium/1069102.jpeg?1672898376",
                "title": "Customize the Gist Messenger to match your brand?",
                "description": "Discover how to customize the launch of Gist Messenger to open chat with a simple button or link click.",
                "html_text": "<p>Ever wanted to customize when and how your Gist Messenger launches? This guide will instruct you on how to make the Gist Messenger open when somebody clicks a specific button or link on your website or in your app. This functionality is great if you want to keep the chat widget hidden by default and reveal it only upon specific user interactions.</p>",
                "status": "published",
                "created_at": 1193141363,
                "updated_at": 1539763645,
                "url": ""
            "hi": {
                "author": {
                    "id": 824,
                    "name": "Saravanakumar Subramanian mallow",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "avatar": "/system/users_profiles/profile_photos/000/002/063/medium/1069102.jpeg?1672898376",
                "title": "अपनी ब्रांड के साथ Gist Messenger को कस्टमाइज़ कैसे करें?",
                "description": "जानें कि कैसे आप अपनी वेबसाइट या अपने ऐप में किसी विशेष बटन या लिंक क्लिक करने पर Gist Messenger को लॉन्च करने को कस्टमाइज़ कर सकते हैं।",
                "html_text": "<p>क्या कभी आपने अपने Gist Messenger को कस्टमाइज़ करने की इच्छा की है? यह गाइड आपको यह बताएगा कि कैसे किसी विशेष उपयोगकर्ता प्रविष्टि पर क्लिक करने पर Gist Messenger को खोलें। यह फ़ंक्शनैलिटी बहुत उपयोगी है अगर आप चाहते हैं कि चैट विजेट डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से छिपा रहे और उसे केवल विशेष उपयोगकर्ता प्रविष्टियों पर प्रकट करें।</p>",
                "status": "published",
                "created_at": 1193141363,
                "updated_at": 1539763645,
                "url": ""
    "message": "Article created successfully"

You can create an article by submitting a POST to

Parameter Required Description
parent_id no The id of the collection
secondary_ids array The array representing the ids of secondary_collection
translations yes The object of the articles with single or multiple allowed languages
author_id yes The id of the author who create a article
title yes The title of the article
description no The description of the article
html_text yes The content of the article
status yes Status of the article (published or draft)


An Article object.

Update an article

Example Request

curl --request PATCH \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data  '{
              "parent_id": 3,
              "secondary_ids": [],
              "default_locale": "en",
              "translations": {
              "en": {
                  "author_id": 824,
                  "title": "Customize the Gist Messenger",
                  "description": "Discover how to customize the launch of Gist Messenger to open chat with a simple button or link click.",
                  "html_text": "<p>Ever wanted to customize when and how your Gist Messenger launches? This guide will instruct you on how to make the Gist Messenger open when somebody clicks a specific button or link on your website or in your app. This functionality is great if you want to keep the chat widget hidden by default and reveal it only upon specific user interactions.</p>",
                  "status": "draft"
              "fr": {
                  "author_id": 824,
                  "title": "Personnalisez le messager Gist pour correspondre à votre marque?",
                  "description": "Découvrez comment personnaliser le lancement du messager Gist pour ouvrir le chat avec un simple clic sur un bouton ou un lien.",
                  "html_text": "<p>Vous avez déjà voulu personnaliser le moment et la manière dont votre messager Gist se lance? Ce guide vous expliquera comment ouvrir le messager Gist lorsque quelqu'un clique sur un bouton ou un lien spécifique sur votre site Web ou dans votre application. Cette fonctionnalité est idéale si vous souhaitez garder le widget de chat caché par défaut et le révéler uniquement lors d'interactions utilisateur spécifiques.</p>",
                  "status": "published"

Example Response

    "article": {
        "id": 574,
        "parent_id": 24,
        "secondary_ids": [],
        "default_locale": "fr",
        "statistics": {
            "views": 7,
            "reactions": 0,
            "helpful_reactions": 0,
            "unhelpful_reactions": 0
        "translations": {
            "hi": {
                "author": {
                    "id": 824,
                    "name": "Saravanakumar Subramanian mallow",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "avatar": "/system/users_profiles/profile_photos/000/002/063/medium/1069102.jpeg?1672898376",
                "title": "अपनी ब्रांड के साथ Gist Messenger को कस्टमाइज़ कैसे करें?",
                "description": "जानें कि कैसे आप अपनी वेबसाइट या अपने ऐप में किसी विशेष बटन या लिंक क्लिक करने पर Gist Messenger को लॉन्च करने को कस्टमाइज़ कर सकते हैं।",
                "html_text": "<p>क्या कभी आपने अपने Gist Messenger को कस्टमाइज़ करने की इच्छा की है? यह गाइड आपको यह बताएगा कि कैसे किसी विशेष उपयोगकर्ता प्रविष्टि पर क्लिक करने पर Gist Messenger को खोलें। यह फ़ंक्शनैलिटी बहुत उपयोगी है अगर आप चाहते हैं कि चैट विजेट डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से छिपा रहे और उसे केवल विशेष उपयोगकर्ता प्रविष्टियों पर प्रकट करें।</p>",
                "status": "published",
                "created_at": 1193141363,
                "updated_at": 1539763645,
                "url": ""
            "en": {
                "author": {
                    "id": 824,
                    "name": "Saravanakumar Subramanian mallow",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "avatar": "/system/users_profiles/profile_photos/000/002/063/medium/1069102.jpeg?1672898376",
                "title": "Customize the Gist Messenger",
                "description": "Discover how to customize the launch of Gist Messenger to open chat with a simple button or link click.",
                "html_text": "<p>Ever wanted to customize when and how your Gist Messenger launches? This guide will instruct you on how to make the Gist Messenger open when somebody clicks a specific button or link on your website or in your app. This functionality is great if you want to keep the chat widget hidden by default and reveal it only upon specific user interactions.</p>",
                "status": "draft",
                "created_at": 1193141363,
                "updated_at": 1539763645,
                "url": ""
            "fr": {
                "author": {
                    "id": 824,
                    "name": "Saravanakumar Subramanian mallow",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "avatar": "/system/users_profiles/profile_photos/000/002/063/medium/1069102.jpeg?1672898376"
                "title": "Personnalisez le messager Gist pour correspondre à votre marque?",
                "description": "Découvrez comment personnaliser le lancement du messager Gist pour ouvrir le chat avec un simple clic sur un bouton ou un lien.",
                "html_text": "<p>Vous avez déjà voulu personnaliser le moment et la manière dont votre messager Gist se lance? Ce guide vous expliquera comment ouvrir le messager Gist lorsque quelqu'un clique sur un bouton ou un lien spécifique sur votre site Web ou dans votre application. Cette fonctionnalité est idéale si vous souhaitez garder le widget de chat caché par défaut et le révéler uniquement lors d'interactions utilisateur spécifiques.</p>",
                "status": "published",
                "created_at": 1193141363,
                "updated_at": 1539763645,
                "url": ""
    "message": "Article updated successfully"

You can update an article by submitting a PATCH to{id} along with the article id.

Parameter Required Description
parent_id no The id of the collection
translations yes The object of the articles with single or multiple allowed languages
author_id yes The id of the author who create a article
title yes The title of the article
description no The description of the article
html_text yes The content of the article
status yes Status of the article (published or draft)


An Article object.

Search an articles

Example Request

curl --request PATCH \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{"search_text": "quick guide", "locale": "en"'}'

Example Response

    "articles": [
        "id": 2,
        "parent_id": 24,
        "secondary_ids": [],
        "default_locale": "en",
        "statistics": {
            "views": 7,
            "reactions": 0,
            "helpful_reactions": 0,
            "unhelpful_reactions": 0
        "translations": {
            "en": {
                "author": {
                    "id": 824,
                    "name": "John",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "avatar": ""
                "title": "Getting Started with Gist: Your Day 1 Checklist",
                "description": "A quick guide to help you start strong from day 1 with Gist.",
                "html_text": "<p>👋 Welcome to Gist!
                 We understand that the first step is always the hardest, but with this guide, we hope to make the process easier for you.
                 Whether you are a startup or a large enterprise, we're excited to have you onboard.
                 This guide is based on the insights we've gathered from thousands of our successful customers, so you can be sure it's well-tested and effective.</p>",
                "status": "published",
                "created_at": 1193141363,
                "updated_at": 1539763645,
                "url": ""
    "page": {
        "prev": "",
        "next": "",
        "first": "",
        "last": ""

You can fetch all article related to the search text form a Workspace by sending a GET request to

Parameter Required Description
search_text yes Filter the article by given string.
locale no Filter the article from given locale. Defaults to default locale.
page no The page of results to fetch. Defaults to first page
per_page no The number of results per page. Defaults to 50, max is 60
order no The sort order of the returned article list. asc or desc. Defaults to desc
order_by no The property to sort the fetched results by. Defaults to created_at. Other options: last_seen_at, signed_up_at, updated_at

Delete an articles

Example Request

curl --request DELETE \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Example Response

    "message": "Article deleted successfully."

You can delete an article form a Workspace by sending a DELETE request to{id} along with the article id

Knowledgebase setting

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Example Response

    "knowledgebase_setting": {
        "site_visibility": true,
        "sub_domain": "y4r9vuvz-domain",
        "custom_domain": null,
        "show_messenger": true,
        "language": "en",
        "seo_index": true,
        "additional_languages": [
                "code": "es",
                "visibility": false
                "code": "ru",
                "visibility": false
        "updated_at": 1139234745,
        "translations": {
            "en": {
                "logo": "",
                "footer": [
                        "link": "www.engl",
                        "title": "english. dfg"
                "favicon": "",
                "fb_link": " link",
                "bg_image": "",
                "bg_value": "#83e181",
                "og_title": "Open graph title",
                "seo_index": true,
                "text_link": "Company website CTA text",
                "homepage_url": "",
                "twitter_link": " link",
                "linkedin_link": " link",
                "footer_message": "Footer text",
                "homepage_title": "Knowledge base title",
                "og_description": "Open graph description",
                "seo_description": "Meta description",
                "site_description": "Welcome message in Knowledgebase",
                "knowledge_base_name": "Knowledge Base title in English",
                "background_color_type": "solid"


You can fetch Knowledgebase setting of your Workspace by sending a GET request to


A Knowledgebase setting object.


Collections are groups of related articles in project documentation. They organize information by topic, feature, or user need, making it easier for users to find relevant content quickly.

The Collection object

Example Response

    "collection": {
        "id": 13,
        "parent_id": null,
        "default_locale": "fr",
        "created_at": 1493141363,
        "updated_at": 1539763645,
        "translations": {
           "en": {
             "name": "Getting Started",
             "description": "Everything you need to know to get started with Gist",
             "icon": "fal fa-laptop-code",
             "url": ""
           "hi": {
             "name": "शुरुआत करना",
             "description": "के साथ शुरू करने के लिए आपको सभी आवश्यक जानकारी",
             "icon": "fal fa-laptop-code",
             "url": "शुरुआत-करना"

A Collection object describes the Collection and contains the following fields

Property Type Description
id string The id representing the collection
parent_id integer The id representing the parent collection id
default_locale string The default language of collection
created_at timestamp The time the collection was created
updated_at timestamp The time the contact was updated
translations object The data of the collection in different language
name string Name of the collection
description string Description of the collection
icon string Icon of the collection

Retrieve a Collection

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "collection": {
        "id": 13,
        "parent_id": null,
        "default_locale": "fr",
        "created_at": 1493141363,
        "updated_at": 1539763645,
        "translations": {
           "en": {
             "name": "Getting Started",
             "description": "Everything you need to know to get started with Gist",
             "icon": "fal fa-laptop-code",
             "url": ""
           "hi": {
             "name": "शुरुआत करना",
             "description": "के साथ शुरू करने के लिए आपको सभी आवश्यक जानकारी",
             "icon": "fal fa-laptop-code",
             "url": "शुरुआत-करना"

You can fetch a Collection from a Workspace by sending a GET request to{id} along with collection id as the parameter.

A Collection id can be found by pull a list of Collection using the Collection API, as documented below.


A Collection object.

List all collections

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "collections": [
        "id": 13,
        "parent_id": null,
        "default_locale": "fr",
        "created_at": 1493141363,
        "updated_at": 1539763645,
        "translations": {
           "en": {
             "name": "Getting Started",
             "description": "Everything you need to know to get started with Gist",
             "icon": "fal fa-laptop-code",
             "url": ""
           "hi": {
             "name": "शुरुआत करना",
             "description": "के साथ शुरू करने के लिए आपको सभी आवश्यक जानकारी",
             "icon": "fal fa-laptop-code",
             "url": "शुरुआत-करना"
        "id": 12,
        "parent_id": null,
        "default_locale": "fr",
        "created_at": 1293141363,
        "updated_at": 13439763645,
        "translations": {
           "en": {
             "name": "Messenger",
             "description": "Setting up and customizing your Messenger to start chatting with customers.",
             "icon": "fal fa-laptop-code",
             "url": ""
           "hi": {
             "name": "संदेशक",
             "description": "अपने संदेशक को सेटअप करें और अपने ग्राहकों के साथ चैटिंग शुरू करने के लिए अनुकूलित करें।",
             "icon": "fal fa-laptop-code",
             "url": "संदेशक"
    "page": {
        "first": "",
        "last": ""

You can fetch all Collections from Workspace by sending a GET request to

The collections list is sorted by the created property and by default is ordered descending, most recently created at first.

Request Parameters

The following optional parameters can be used to request the result page size and which page to fetch.

Parameter Required Description
page no The page of results to fetch. Defaults to first page
per_page no The number of results per page. Defaults to 50, max is 60
order no The sort order of the returned collection list. asc or desc. Defaults to desc
order_by no The property to sort the fetched results by. Defaults to created_at. Other options: last_seen_at, signed_up_at, updated_at

Returns: .

The Collection list contains a pages object that indicates if more collections exist via the next field, whose value is a URL that can be used to fetch the next page. If the next field is not present, that indicates there are no further collections in the list.


A paginated list of Collections object.

Create an collection

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
            "parent_id": 79,
            "translations": {
                "fr": {
                    "name": "Emma - Le bot AI de Gist",
                    "description": "Offre un support instantané et proactif à grande échelle",
                    "icon": "fal fa-folder"
                "en": {
                    "name": "Emma - Gist AI Bot",
                    "description": "Offer instant and proactive support at scale",
                    "icon": "fal fa-folder"

Example Response

    "collection": {
        "id": 81,
        "parent_id": 79,
        "default_locale": "fr",
        "created_at": 1493141363,
        "updated_at": 1539763645,
        "translations": {
            "fr": {
                "name": "Emma - Le bot AI de Gist",
                "description": "Offre un support instantané et proactif à grande échelle",
                "icon": "fal fa-folder",
                "url": ""

            "en": {
                "name": "Emma - Gist's AI Bot",
                "description": "Offer instant and proactive support at scale",
                "icon": "fal fa-folder",
                "url": ""
    "message": "Collection created successfully"

You can create an collection by submitting a POST to

Parameter Required Description
parent_id no The id of the parent collection id
translations yes The object of the collections with single or multiple allowed languages
name yes The name of the collection
description yes The description of the collection
icon yes The icon of the collection


An Collection object.

Update an collection

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
            "parent_id": 85,
            "translations": {
                "en": {
                    "name": "messenger",
                    "description": "Offer instant and proactive support at scale",
                    "icon": "fal fa-folder"
               "hi": {
                     "name": "मैसेंजर",
                     "description": "स्केल पर तुरंत और सक्रिय समर्थन प्रदान करें",
                     "icon": "fal fa-folder"

Example Response

    "collection": {
        "id": 81,
        "parent_id": 85,
        "default_locale": "fr",
        "created_at": 1493141363,
        "updated_at": 1539763645,
        "translations": {
            "fr": {
                "name": "Emma - Le bot AI de Gist",
                "description": "Offre un support instantané et proactif à grande échelle",
                "icon": "fal fa-folder",
                "url": ""
            "en": {
                    "name": "messenger",
                    "description": "Offer instant and proactive support at scale",
                    "icon": "fal fa-folder",
                    "url": ""
            "hi": {
                     "name": "मैसेंजर",
                     "description": "स्केल पर तुरंत और सक्रिय समर्थन प्रदान करें",
                     "icon": "fal fa-folder",
                     "url": "मैसेंजर"
    "message": "Collection updated successfully"

You can update a collection by submitting a POST to{id} along with collection id.

Parameter Required Description
parent_id no The id of the parent collection id
translations no The object of the collections with single or multiple allowed languages
name no The name of the collection
description no The description of the collection
icon no The icon of the collection


An Collection object.

Delete a Collection

Example Request

curl --request DELETE \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Example Response

    "message": "Collection deleted successfully."

You can delete an Collection form a Workspace by sending a DELETE request to{id} along with the collection id


A Contact is any individual with an email address. The Contacts API allows you to create, view, delete and update your contacts. You can retrieve an individual Contact, list all Contacts, or use search filters to view subsets of your Contacts.

Details for your contact records are primarily stored in the contact properties for your contacts. In addition to several default properties, you can store any custom data that is pertinent to your contact records by creating custom properties for contacts.

Use case: Your team is using Gist and another software system for their work. They need accurate contact information in both systems, but don't want to spend time making manual updates. You can use the Contacts API to integrate the two systems and sync contact information.

Note: The Gist Contacts API treats an email address as the primary identifier for a contact and these endpoints automatically de-duplicate email addresses to keep your Gist data clean.

The contact object

The Contacts object provides details on your contacts within Gist, and will specify whether they are a user or lead through the user-type property.

Example Response

  "contact": {
    "type": "lead",
    "id": 146179,
    "name": "Rubamaga",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "user_id": "22449",
    "phone": null,
    "created_at": 1506500350,
    "signed_up_at": null,
    "last_seen_at": 1506500350,
    "last_contacted_at": null,
    "updated_at": 1506501237,
    "session_count": null,
    "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120&type=svg&text=GO",
    "landing_url": null,
    "original_referrer": null,
    "last_seen_ip": "",
    "last_seen_user_agent": null,
    "location_data": {
      "city_name": "Paris",
      "region_name": null,
      "country_name": "France",
      "country_code": "FR",
      "continent_code": null,
      "latitude": 48.871216,
      "longitude": 2.311713,
      "postal_code": null,
      "time_zone": null,
      "utc_offset": null
    "segments": [],
    "tags": [],
    "subscription_types": [],
    "social_profiles": null,
    "custom_properties": {
      "age": 22
    "unsubscribed_from_emails": false

Contact object

Property Type Description
type string Type of the contact ('lead' or 'user')
id string The unique identifier for the contact generated by Gist.
name string The full name of the contact
email string The email address of the contact
user_id string The user id of the contact (given by you)
phone string The contact number of the contact
created_at timestamp The time the contact was added to Gist
signed_up_at timestamp The time the contact signed up
last_seen_at timestamp The time the contact was last seen
updated_at timestamp The time the contact was last updated
last_contacted_at timestamp The time the contact was last contacted
session_count integer The count of sessions the contact has recorded
avatar string The URL of contact’s avatar image
landing_url string The URL of the page the contact first visited on your website
original_referrer string The referrer URL the contact came to your website from
last_seen_ip string The last IP address the contact visited your website from
last_seen_user_agent string The last user agent the contact was seen using
location_data json A JSON object containing the location details of the contact
segments string An Array containing one or more segments the contact belongs to
tags string Optional. An Array containing one or more tags the contact has. E.g. ["Customer", "VIP"]
subscription_types string An array of subscription type contact is opted-in
social_profiles json A JSON object listing all the social profiles details of the contact
custom_properties json Optional. A JSON object containing the contact’s custom properties. E.g. { "name": "John Doe" }
unsubscribed_from_emails boolean If the contact has unsubscribed from emails or not

Location Data

Property Type Description
city_name string The city name
region_name string The region name
country_name string The country name
country_code string The ISO 3166 country code
continent_code string The continent code
latitude number The latitude
longitude number The longitude
postal_code string The postal code
time_zone string The ISO 8601 timezone
utc_offset integer The timezone offset relative to UTC

Note that location data is read-only, and cannot be updated via the API,

Social Profile Data

Property Type Description
name string The name of the social media service (e.g., facebook, twitter)
id string The User ID on the service
username string The username on the service
url string The URL of the contact’s profile on the service

Note that social data is read-only, and cannot be updated via the API.

Custom Properties

The custom_properties object allows you to send any information you wish about a contact with the following restrictions:

Create or update a contact

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "id": "179351",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "name": "Rubamaga",
    "phone": null,
    "signed_up_at": "",
    "last_seen_ip": "",
    "last_seen_user_agent": "",
    "unsubscribed_from_emails": false,
    "custom_properties": {
           "age": 23
    "tags": [

Example Response

    "contact": {
        "type": "user",
        "id": 179351,
        "name": "Rubamaga",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "user_id": "100488",
        "phone": null,
        "created_at": 1502979465,
        "signed_up_at": 0,
        "last_seen_at": 1502979465,
        "last_contacted_at": null,
        "updated_at": 1540478268,
        "session_count": null,
        "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120&type=svg&text=BR",
        "landing_url": null,
        "original_referrer": null,
        "last_seen_ip": "",
        "last_seen_user_agent": "",
        "location_data": {
            "city_name": "Paris",
            "region_name": null,
            "country_name": "France",
            "country_code": "FR",
            "continent_name": null,
            "continent_code": null,
            "latitude": 48.871216,
            "longitude": 2.271031,
            "postal_code": null,
            "time_zone": null,
            "utc_offset": null
        "segments": [
                "id": 578,
                "name": "Test validation",
                "created_at": 1512633515,
                "updated_at": 1512633567
        "tags": [
                "id": 79,
                "name": "tagA"
                "id": 80,
                "name": "tagB"
                "id": 81,
                "name": "tagC"
        "social_profiles": [],
        "custom_properties": {
            "form_user": null,
            "user_types": null,
            "age": 23,
            "first_name": null
        "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false"

Create a new contact in Gist with a simple HTTP POST to the Contacts API. The contact that is created will be assigned a unique ID (id) by Gist, which can be used to look it up later.

Note: The endpoint will create a new contact if it doesn't find one matching with the email and/or user_id in the request, and updates the contact if it finds a match.

Create a new contact

Update an existing contact

Note that the following lookup order applies when updating Contacts - id then user_id then email, and results in the following logic:

Note that email values are down-cased after they have been submitted to our API.

Property Required Description
email Required on create. Required if no user_id is supplied on update. The contact's email address.
user_id Required on create. Required if no email is supplied on update. A unique string identifier for the user. It is required to create Contact of type User
name no The full name of the contact
phone no The contact number of the contact
signed_up_at no The time the contact signed up
last_seen_ip no The last IP address the contact visited your website from
last_seen_user_agent no The last contact agent the contact was seen using
custom_properties no Optional. A JSON object containing the contact’s custom properties. E.g. { "name": "John Doe" }
unsubscribed_from_emails no If the contact has unsubscribed from emails or not
tags no The tags the contact is assigned.

Please note that location data and social profiles are computed by Gist and cannot be updated via the API.

New contact objects will be provided with an id field - this value cannot be changed. Social profiles, location data and avatars are processed asynchronously, and may require a subsequent call to fetch their details.


A Contact object.

Create or update a batch of contacts

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
              "contacts": [
                      "email": "[email protected]",
                      "name": "Rubamaga2",
                      "phone": null,
                      "last_seen_user_agent": "",
                      "unsubscribed_from_emails": false,
                      "custom_properties": {
                          "age": 23
                      "tags": [
                      "id": "179351",
                      "email": "[email protected]",
                      "name": "Rubamaga",
                      "phone": null,
                      "last_seen_user_agent": "",
                      "unsubscribed_from_emails": false,
                      "custom_properties": {
                          "age": 25
                      "tags": [

Example Response

  "status": "QUEUED",
  "queued_contacts": 1000,
  "batch_id": "0641fbdd-f62f-4c2c-ba02-3a83d5d11ac9",

Create a batch of contacts in Gist with a HTTP POST to the Contacts API. The contacts that are created will individually be assigned a unique ID (id) by Gist, which can be used to look it up later.

Get status of the batch import

Example Request

$ curl --request GET \
--url<batch_id> \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

  "status": "COMPLETED", // can also be "IN_PROGRESS" OR "QUEUED"
  "imported_contacts": 972, // will be present only when the status is "COMPLETED"
  "errors": [], // will be present only when the status is "COMPLETED"

When you send request to create a batch of contacts via Batch API, you will get the batch_id. Now you can use that batch_id and get the status of the import


Retrieve a contact

Example Request

$ curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "contact": {
        "type": "lead",
        "id": 179351,
        "name": "Rubamaga",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "phone": null,
        "created_at": 1502979465,
        "signed_up_at": 0,
        "last_seen_at": 1502979465,
        "last_contacted_at": null,
        "updated_at": 1540478268,
        "session_count": null,
        "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120&type=svg&text=BR",
        "landing_url": null,
        "original_referrer": null,
        "last_seen_ip": "",
        "last_seen_user_agent": "",
        "location_data": {
            "city_name": "Paris",
            "region_name": null,
            "country_name": "France",
            "country_code": "FR",
            "continent_name": null,
            "continent_code": null,
            "latitude": 48.871216,
            "longitude": 2.271031,
            "postal_code": null,
            "time_zone": null,
            "utc_offset": null
        "segments": [
                "id": 578,
                "name": "Test validation",
                "created_at": 1512633515,
                "updated_at": 1512633567
        "tags": [
                "id": 79,
                "name": "Completed"
        "social_profiles": [],
        "custom_properties": {
            "form_user": null,
            "user_types": null,
            "age": 23,
            "first_name": null
        "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false"

Contacts can be fetched or looked up individually via their id, email or with a user_id parameter.

The ‘contacts’ endpoint accepts two parameters:

Parameter Required Description
user_id no The user id of the contact in your database
email no The email address of the contact

A contact can also be fetched using a user_id or email parameter in the url:{user_id}{email}

The email parameter value should be url encoded when sending.

Unique URL

Each contact object has its own URL{id}

Where {id} is the value of the contact's id field generated by Gist. This URL is the contact's canonical address in the API.


A Contact object.

List all contacts

Example Request

$ curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "contacts": [
                "type": "user",
                "id": 179351,
                "name": "Rubamaga",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "user_id": "100488",
                "phone": null,
                "created_at": 1502979465,
                "signed_up_at": 0,
                "last_seen_at": 1502979465,
                "last_contacted_at": null,
                "updated_at": 1540478268,
                "session_count": null,
                "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120&type=svg&text=BR",
                "landing_url": null,
                "original_referrer": null,
                "last_seen_ip": "",
                "last_seen_user_agent": "",
                "location_data": {
                    "city_name": "Paris",
                    "region_name": null,
                    "country_name": "France",
                    "country_code": "FR",
                    "continent_name": null,
                    "continent_code": null,
                    "latitude": 48.8712,
                    "longitude": 2.2710,
                    "postal_code": null,
                    "time_zone": null,
                    "utc_offset": null
                "segments": [
                        "id": 578,
                        "name": "Test validation",
                        "created_at": 1512633515,
                        "updated_at": 1512633567
                "tags": [
                        "id": 79,
                        "name": "Completed"
                "social_profiles": [],
                "custom_properties": {
                    "form_user": null,
                    "user_types": null,
                    "age": 23,
                    "first_name": null
                "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false"
            "type": "lead",
            "id": 72712,
            "name": "Isaac",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "phone": null,
            "created_at": 1497462203,
            "signed_up_at": 1497462409,
            "last_seen_at": 1510133377,
            "last_contacted_at": 1538552818,
            "updated_at": 1538552819,
            "session_count": 15,
            "avatar": "",
            "landing_url": "",
            "original_referrer": "",
            "last_seen_ip": "",
            "last_seen_user_agent": null,
            "location_data": {
                "city_name": "Paris",
                "region_name": null,
                "country_name": "France",
                "country_code": null,
                "continent_name": null,
                "continent_code": null,
                "latitude": 48.8967,
                "longitude": 2.2521,
                "postal_code": null,
                "time_zone": null,
                "utc_offset": null
            "segments": [
                    "id": 5,
                    "name": "All Users",
                    "created_at": 1493141363,
                    "updated_at": 1534413183
            "tags": [
                    "id": 2,
                    "name": "Potential Lead"
            "social_profiles": [],
            "custom_properties": {
                "form_user": "33161518",
                "test": null,
                "age": 30,
                "first_name": null
            "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false"
            "type": "user",
            "id": 72057,
            "name": "neyu",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "user_id": "72057",
            "phone": null,
            "created_at": 1497348057,
            "signed_up_at": 1497348057,
            "last_seen_at": 1505199304,
            "last_contacted_at": 1538552819,
            "updated_at": 1538552820,
            "session_count": 136,
            "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120&type=svg&text=MA",
            "landing_url": "",
            "original_referrer": "",
            "last_seen_ip": "",
            "last_seen_user_agent": null,
            "location_data": {
                "city_name": "Duba",
                "region_name": null,
                "country_name": "Saudi Arabia",
                "country_code": "SA",
                "continent_name": null,
                "continent_code": null,
                "latitude": 27.3657,
                "longitude": 35.7031,
                "postal_code": null,
                "time_zone": null,
                "utc_offset": null
            "segments": [
                    "id": 611,
                    "name": "Test filters",
                    "created_at": 1524577042,
                    "updated_at": 1538552649
            "tags": [],
            "social_profiles": [],
            "custom_properties": {
                "form_user": null,
                "test": null,
                "age": 27,
                "first_name": null
            "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false"
            "type": "lead",
            "id": 70524,
            "name": "Bringe",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "phone": null,
            "created_at": 1497015399,
            "signed_up_at": 1497015445,
            "last_seen_at": 1510133376,
            "last_contacted_at": 1538552820,
            "updated_at": 1538552820,
            "session_count": 47,
            "avatar": "",
            "landing_url": "",
            "original_referrer": "",
            "last_seen_ip": "",
            "last_seen_user_agent": null,
            "location_data": {
                "city_name": "Melbourne",
                "region_name": null,
                "country_name": "Australia",
                "country_code": "AU",
                "continent_name": null,
                "continent_code": null,
                "latitude": -37.7556,
                "longitude": 144.8277,
                "postal_code": null,
                "time_zone": null,
                "utc_offset": null
            "segments": [
                    "id": 578,
                    "name": "Test validation",
                    "created_at": 1512633515,
                    "updated_at": 1512633567
            "tags": [],
            "social_profiles": [],
            "custom_properties": {
                "expiry_at": null,
                "key_test": null,
                "age": 31,
                "first_name": null
            "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false"
            "type": "user",
            "id": 70502,
            "name": "Alex Aashan",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "user_id": "70502",
            "phone": null,
            "created_at": 1497011902,
            "signed_up_at": 1497011972,
            "last_seen_at": 1510133376,
            "last_contacted_at": 1538552820,
            "updated_at": 1538552821,
            "session_count": 4,
            "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120&type=svg&text=AL",
            "landing_url": "",
            "original_referrer": "",
            "last_seen_ip": "",
            "last_seen_user_agent": null,
            "location_data": {
                "city_name": "Sydney",
                "region_name": null,
                "country_name": "Australia",
                "country_code": "AU",
                "continent_name": null,
                "continent_code": null,
                "latitude": 33.7614,
                "longitude": 150.7713,
                "postal_code": null,
                "time_zone": null,
                "utc_offset": null
            "segments": [
                    "id": 8,
                    "name": "Slipping Away",
                    "created_at": 1493141363,
                    "updated_at": 1539763645
            "tags": [
                    "id": 2,
                    "name": "Potential Lead"
            "social_profiles": [],
            "custom_properties": {
                "expiry_at": null,
                "form_user": "33161518",
                "age": 29,
                "first_name": null
            "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false"
    "pages": {
        "prev": "",
        "next": "",
        "first": "",
        "last": ""

You can fetch a list of contacts. The contact list is sorted by the created_at property and by default is ordered descending, most recently created first.

Request Parameters

The following optional parameters can be used to request the result page size and which page to fetch.

Parameter Required Description
page no The page of results to fetch. Defaults to first page.
per_page no The number of results per page. Defaults to 50, max is 60.
order no The sort order of the returned contacts. asc or desc. Defaults to desc.
order_by no Sort the list of contact by their last_seen_at, created_at, updated_at, or signed_up_at. Defaults to created_at.
created_since no Limit results to users that were created in that last number of days.
status no Filter contacts by their email subscription status: active, or unsubscribed, or bounced. Defaults to all.
form_id no Filter contacts who submitted a specific form. You can get the form_id from Forms API.
email_like no Filter contacts that contains a specific keyword in their email address.
segment_id no Filter contacts that match a segment. You can get the segment_id from Segments API
campaign_id no Filter contacts subscribed to a specific campaign. You can get the campaign id from Campaigns API.
tag_id no Filter contacts with a specific tag. You can get the tag id from Tags API.

The contact list contains a pages object that indicates if more contacts exist via the next key, which holds the URL that can be used to fetch the next page. If the next field is not present, that indicates there are no further contacts in the list.


A paginated list of Contact objects.

Delete a contact

Example Request

$ curl --request DELETE \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "id": "323df95",
    "object": "contact",
    "deleted": "true"

A contact can be deleted by sending a DELETE request to its URL using the contact's id field as part of the request.{id}

Alternatively, you can delete a contact by sending a DELETE request using the email or user_id as query parameters:{email}{user_id}

Parameter Required Description
email no The email address of the contact
user_id no The user id of the contact in your database


A Contact object.


An event is a data point that represents an interaction between a user and your product. Events can be a wide range of interactions. For example, a music service might track a new user signing up for an account or a user playing a song as an event.

The event object

Example Response

    "event": {
        "id": 97677,
        "user_id": null,
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "name": "Clicked Signup Button",
        "properties": {
            "manual_record": true,
            "recorded_from": "backend"
        "occurred_at": 1540541183

An Event object describes the event and contains the following fields:

Parameter Required Description
event_name yes The name of the event that occurred
user_id yes if no email A unique identifier for the contact
email yes if no user_id An email address for your user.
id yes if no email or user_id A Gist generated identifier for the contact
occurred_at timestamp The time the event occurred in ISO-8601 format. Defaults to the current time
properties json A JSON of custom properties for the event

The event_name field is processed as follows:

To avoid confusion, we recommend sending lowercase event names that do not contain periods or dollars.

Track an event

Example Request

$ curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json' \
--data '{
    "event_name": "Clicked Signup Button",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "properties": {
    "manual_record": true,
    "recorded_from": "backend"
  "occurred_at": null

Example Response

    "event": {
        "id": 97677,
        "user_id": null,
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "name": "Clicked Signup Button",
        "properties": {
            "manual_record": true,
            "recorded_from": "backend"
        "occurred_at": 1540541183

You can track an event by submitting a POST to along with a name of the event and a reference to the contact who performed the event.


A Event object.

List all events

Example Request

$ curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "events": [
            "id": 97677,
            "name": "Clicked Signup Button"
            "id": 611,
            "name": "Inactive"
            "id": 7,
            "name": "Active"
            "id": 133,
            "name": "Email Subscribed"
            "id": 132,
            "name": "Send Notification"
    "pages": {
        "first": "",
        "last": ""

You can fetch all the events of a Workspace by sending a GET request to

Parameter Required Description
page no The page number. Defaults to 1.
per_page no The number of records to be returned on each page. Defaults to 50. Maximum 60.


A paginated list of Event objects.


Tags allow you to mark or label your contacts and list them using that tag. You can then use group contacts by tags and create highly targeted contact segments for your campaigns.

This section is about creating, updating, and deleting tags using the API. You can also use this to tag or untag contacts in bulk.

The tag object

Example Response

    "id": 386,
    "name": "trial"

A tag has a name and an id field. Once created the id field cannot be changed, but the name field can be used to rename the tag in the future.

Parameter Type Description
id string The id of the tag
name string The name of the tag

Create or update a tag

Example Request

$ curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json' \
--data '{
          "name": "Free Trail"

Example Response

    "tag": {
        "id": 727,
        "name": "Free Trail"

You can create a new tag by submitting a POST to along with a name for the tag. The tag name may contain whitespace and punctuations.

If the same tag name is sent multiple times, only one tag will be created for that name - this lets you avoid checking if a tag exists first.

Tag names are case insensitive - 'ExampleTag' and 'exampletag' will result in a single tag being created.

A tag's name can also be updated by posting a tag to

The submitted tag object will contain the id of the tag to update and a new name for the tag. A successful request will update the name value for that tag and return the updated tag in the response.

Parameter Required Description
id yes for an update The id of the tag
name yes The name of the tag, which will be created if no tag was found, or the new name of the tag if this is an update request


A Tag object.

Delete a tag

Example Request

$ curl --request DELETE \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "tag": {
        "id": 727,
        "name": "Free Trail"

A tag can be deleted by sending a DELETE request to its URL. A tag's URL is defined using the tag's id to create a URL of the form,{id}.


A Tag object.

List all tags

Example Request

$ curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "tags": [
            "id": 437,
            "name": "Unsubscribed"
            "id": 436,
            "name": "Completed"
            "id": 435,
            "name": "Subscribed"
             "id": 732,
             "name": "Active"
             "id": 727,
             "name": "Free Trial"
    "pages": {
        "next": "",
        "first": "",
        "last": ""

You can fetch the tags for a workspace by sending a GET request to


A paginated list of Tag objects.

Add a tag to contacts

Example Request

$ curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json' \
--data '{
          "id": 727,
          "name": "Free Trial",
          "contacts": [
                "id" : "69768"
                "email":"[email protected]"

Example Response

    "tag": {
        "id": 727,
        "name": "Free Trail"

You can tag contacts using a POST to

This lets you assign a tag to multiple contacts at once. If the tag does not already exist it will be created for you.

Contacts can be tagged by supplying a contacts array. The array contains objects identifying contacts by their id, email or user_id fields.

We recommend tagging no more than 50 contacts at a time as larger requests could result in a timeout.


A Tag object.

Remove a tag from contacts

Example Request

$ curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json' \
--data '{
          "id": 727,
          "name": "Free Trial",
          "contacts": [
                "id" : "69768",
                "untag": true
                "email":"[email protected]",
                 "untag": true

Example Response

    "tag": {
        "id": 727,
        "name": "Free Trail"

You can remove a tag from a contact by adding "untag": true to each of the contact objects. Passing the untag value to false is the same as requesting the contacts be tagged.


A Tag object.


Segments are dynamic groups of contacts defined by filters and rules that you set.

The segment object

Example Response

    "segment": {
        "id": 7,
        "name": "Active",
        "created_at": 1493141363,
        "updated_at": 1539756959,
        "count": 43

A segment has a name and an id field along with created_at and updated_at timestamps. It can optionally include a count of the contacts in the segment.

Parameter Type Description
id string The id representing the segment
name string The name of the segment
created_at timestamp The time the segment was created
updated_at timestamp The time the segment was updated
count integer The number of items in the segment. It's returned when include_count=true is included in the request

Retrieve a segment

Example Request

$ curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "segment": {
        "id": 7,
        "name": "Active",
        "created_at": 1493141363,
        "updated_at": 1539756959,
        "count": 2343

Each segment has its own URL:{id}

Where {id} is the value of the segment's id field. A GET request to a segment's URL will return the segment object.

You can also get a count for an individual segment by adding the parameter include_count=true


A Segment object.

List all segments

Example Request

$ curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "segments": [
            "id": 611,
            "name": "Inactive",
            "created_at": 1524577042,
            "updated_at": 1538552649,
            "count": 153
            "id": 7,
            "name": "Active",
            "created_at": 1512633515,
            "updated_at": 1512633567,
            "count": 2343
    "pages": {
        "next": "",
        "first": "",
        "last": ""

You can list the segments for your Workspace by sending a GET request to You can also include counts in your segment object in the response if you add the parameter include_count=true in the request.


A paginated list of Segment object.


As your forms site collect data, Gist instantly stores it all in a built-in database, so you can retrieve this data anytime.

The form object

Example Response

    "form": {
            "id": 36,
            "title": "Welcome",
            "created_at": 1531550359,
            "form_type": "lightbox",
            "status": "live",
            "fields": [
                    "key": "email",
                    "label": "Email Address",
                    "is_required": "true"

A Form object describes the form and contains the following fields

Property Type Description
id string The id representing the form
title string Title of the form
created_at timestamp The time the form was created
form_type string Type of the form
status string Status of the form
fields array Fields of the form

Retrieve a form

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "form": {
        "id": 42161287,
        "title": "Testing",
        "created_at": 1519189724,
        "form_type": "lightbox",
        "status": "live",
        "fields": [
                "key": "email",
                "label": "Email Address",
                "is_required": "true",
                "type": "string"

You can fetch a form from a Workspace by sending a GET request to with form_id as the parameter.

The Form ID can be found in one of two ways.

  1. You can pull a list of Forms using the Forms API, as documented below.

  2. You can also find the Form ID in the Gist UI: navigate to Forms from the navigation menu > click to edit a specific form > when editing a specific form, you can find the Form ID in the URL of the embedded form section. In the URL, the form ID is 2775350


A Form object.

List all forms

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "forms": [
            "id": 95775704,
            "title": "sample",
            "created_at": 1561355053,
            "form_type": "notification",
            "status": "draft",
            "fields": [
                    "key": "email",
                    "label": "Email Address",
                    "is_required": "true",
                    "type": "string"
            "id": 72280292,
            "title": "Test form",
            "created_at": 1557735548,
            "form_type": "lightbox",
            "status": "draft",
            "fields": [
                    "key": "email",
                    "label": "Email Address",
                    "is_required": "true",
                    "type": "string"
            "id": 64911038,
            "title": "Example Form",
            "created_at": 1555393267,
            "form_type": "lightbox",
            "status": "paused",
            "fields": [
                    "key": "email",
                    "label": "Email Address",
                    "is_required": "true",
                    "type": "string"
            "id": 25482088,
            "title": "Light Box23",
            "created_at": 1553694654,
            "form_type": "lightbox",
            "status": "live",
            "fields": [
                    "key": "email",
                    "label": "Email Address",
                    "is_required": "true",
                    "type": "string"
            "id": 59683938,
            "title": "Example Form 2",
            "created_at": 1544262463,
            "form_type": "lightbox",
            "status": "paused",
            "fields": [
                    "key": "email",
                    "label": "Email Address",
                    "is_required": "true",
                    "type": "string"
                    "key": "name",
                    "label": "name",
                    "is_required": "true",
                    "type": "string"
                    "key": "membership",
                    "label": "m",
                    "is_required": "true",
                    "type": "string"
    "page": {
        "first": "",
        "last": ""

You can fetch all forms for a Workspace by sending a GET request to

The form list is sorted by the created_at property and by default is ordered descending, most recently created first.

Request Parameters

The following optional parameters can be used to request the result page size and which page to fetch.

Parameter Required Description
page no The page of results to fetch. Defaults to first page
per_page no The number of results per page. Defaults to 50, max is 60
order no The sort order of the returned contact list. asc or desc. Defaults to desc
order_by no The property to sort the fetched results by. Defaults to created_at. Other options: last_seen_at, signed_up_at, updated_at
status no Filter by one of the following statuses: live, or paused, or draft. Defaults to all.

Returns: .

The form list contains a pages object that indicates if more forms exist via the next field, whose value is a URL that can be used to fetch the next page. If the next field is not present, that indicates there are no further forms in the list.


A paginated list of Form object.

Subscribe contact to a form

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{"fields":{"name":"User", "email":"[email protected]"}, "consent_to_process":"false", "submitted_from":"", "form_id":"42161287"}'

Example Response

    "acknowledge_message_header": "Thank you",
    "acknowledge_message": "<p><br></p>",
    "redirect_to_url": ""

You can subscribe a contact to a form by submitting a POST to{form_id}/subscribe along with the id of the form.

Parameter Required Description
id yes The id of the form
fields yes A list of form names and the values for those fields. Up to 1000 fields can be included.
ip_address no The IP address of the visitor filling out the form.
page_title no The title of the page the form was submitted on.
page_url no The URL of the page the form was submitted on.
submitted_at no A UNIX timestamp in milliseconds representing the time the form was submitted.
skip_validation no Whether or not to skip validation based on the form settings. Defaults to false.
consent_to_process no Whether or not the visitor checked the Consent to process checkbox.
consent_to_process_text no The text displayed to the visitor for the Consent to process checkbox.

Note: The name for each field must match the name of the property from the Contact Properties API. Field values should match the format used with the Contacts API.


A Form object.

List all form submissions

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "form_subscriptions": [
            "fields": {
                "name": "User 1",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "has_consent": "false"
            "ip_address": null,
            "page_url": null,
            "submitted_at": 0,
            "skip_validation": false,
            "consent_to_process": false,
            "consent_to_process_text": "I agree",
            "confirmed_at": "2019-06-26T16:06:36.345Z"
            "fields": {
                "name": "User 2",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "phone": "123",
                "signup_source": "",
                "has_consent": "true"
            "ip_address": null,
            "page_url": null,
            "submitted_at": 0,
            "skip_validation": false,
            "consent_to_process": false,
            "consent_to_process_text": "I agree",
            "confirmed_at": null
            "fields": {
                "email": "[email protected]"
            "ip_address": "",
            "page_url": "",
            "submitted_at": 1559890954,
            "skip_validation": false,
            "consent_to_process": false,
            "consent_to_process_text": "status",
            "confirmed_at": "2019-06-07T07:04:16.888Z"
            "fields": {
                "email": "[email protected]",
            "ip_address": "",
            "page_url": "",
            "submitted_at": 1559890718,
            "skip_validation": false,
            "consent_to_process": false,
            "consent_to_process_text": "status",
            "confirmed_at": "2019-06-07T06:58:59.350Z"
            "fields": {
                "email": "[email protected]",
            "ip_address": "",
            "page_url": "",
            "submitted_at": 1559818627,
            "skip_validation": false,
            "consent_to_process": false,
            "consent_to_process_text": "status",
            "confirmed_at": "2019-06-06T10:57:08.296Z"
            "fields": {
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "test_event": "Test event",
                "age": "123"
            "ip_address": "",
            "page_url": "",
            "submitted_at": 1559302007,
            "skip_validation": false,
            "consent_to_process": false,
            "consent_to_process_text": "status",
            "confirmed_at": "2019-05-31T11:26:48.137Z"
            "fields": {
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "test_event": "Test event",
                "age": "24"
            "ip_address": "",
            "page_url": "",
            "submitted_at": 1559300801,
            "skip_validation": false,
            "consent_to_process": false,
            "consent_to_process_text": "status",
            "confirmed_at": "2019-05-31T11:06:41.355Z"
            "fields": {
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "test_event": "Test event 2"
            "ip_address": "",
            "page_url": "",
            "submitted_at": 1559282368,
            "skip_validation": false,
            "consent_to_process": false,
            "consent_to_process_text": "status",
            "confirmed_at": "2019-05-31T05:59:28.650Z"
    "page": {
        "first": "",
        "last": ""

You can fetch a list of submissions for a form from a Workspace by sending a GET request to{form_id}/submissions.

Get the submissions for the specified form. This will include the fields in the submissions, the time of the form submission, and the page URL that the form was submitted on. Submissions will be returned in reverse-chronological order.

Request Parameters

The following optional parameters can be used to request the result page size and which page to fetch.

Parameter Required Description
page no The page of results to fetch. Defaults to first page
per_page no The number of results per page. Defaults to 50, max is 60
order no The sort order of the returned contact list. asc or desc. Defaults to desc
order_by no The property to sort the fetched results by. Defaults to created_at. Other options: last_seen_at, signed_up_at, updated_at
limit no The number of results to include in the response. Defaults to 50, supports a maximum of 60.

The form subscriptions list contains a pages object that indicates if more forms exist via the next field, whose value is a URL that can be used to fetch the next page. If the next field is not present, that indicates there are no further form subscriptions in the list.


A paginated list of Form Subscriptions objects.


A drip campaign uses a series of pre-planned, automated emails to encourage customer onboarding, engagement and retention.

The campaign object

Example Response

    "campaign": {
        "id": 39,
        "status": "live",
        "name": "New Campaign",
        "created_at": 1522334060,
        "updated_at": 1522334060,
        "email_count": 0,
        "active_subscriber_count": 0,
        "unsubscribed_subscriber_count": 0,
        "email_open_rate": 0,
        "email_click_rate": 0,
        "href": ""

A Campaign object describes the campaign and contains the following fields

Property Type Description
id string The id of the campaign
status string The status of the campaign. It can be either draft, paused or live
name string The name of the campaign
created_at timestamp The time the campaign was created
updated_at timestamp The time the campaign was last updated
email_count integer The count of emails sent by the campaign
active_subscriber_count integer The count of subscribers currently receiving the campaign
unsubscribed_subscriber_count integer The count of contacts who unsubscribed from the campaign
email_open_rate integer The average open rate of the campaign
email_click_rate integer The average click through rate of the campaign
href string The unique URL of the campaign
links object A link object containing all the links in the campaign

Retrieve a campaign

Example Request

$ curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "campaign": {
        "id": 39,
        "status": "live",
        "name": "New Campaign",
        "created_at": 1522334060,
        "updated_at": 1522334060,
        "email_count": 0,
        "active_subscriber_count": 0,
        "unsubscribed_subscriber_count": 0,
        "email_open_rate": 0,
        "email_click_rate": 0,
        "href": ""

You can fetch a campaign from a Workspace by sending a GET request to with campaign_id as the parameter.


A Campaign object.

List all campaigns

Example Request

$ curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "campaigns": [
            "id": 42,
            "status": "live",
            "name": "New users",
            "created_at": 1538548118,
            "updated_at": 1538548118,
            "email_count": 222,
            "active_subscriber_count": 123,
            "unsubscribed_subscriber_count": 0,
            "email_open_rate": 88.29,
            "email_click_rate": 0.51,
            "href": ""
            "id": 41,
            "status": "draft",
            "name": "Without Branding",
            "created_at": 1527587937,
            "updated_at": 1527587940,
            "email_count": 0,
            "active_subscriber_count": 17,
            "unsubscribed_subscriber_count": 0,
            "email_open_rate": 0,
            "email_click_rate": 0,
            "href": ""
            "id": 40,
            "status": "live",
            "name": "Leads",
            "created_at": 1526544400,
            "updated_at": 1526544654,
            "email_count": 7,
            "active_subscriber_count": 1,
            "unsubscribed_subscriber_count": 0,
            "email_open_rate": 100,
            "email_click_rate": 14.29,
            "href": ""
            "id": 39,
            "status": "live",
            "name": "New Campaign",
            "created_at": 1522334060,
            "updated_at": 1522334060,
            "email_count": 0,
            "active_subscriber_count": 0,
            "unsubscribed_subscriber_count": 0,
            "email_open_rate": 0,
            "email_click_rate": 0,
            "href": ""
    "pages": {
        "first": "",
        "last": ""

You can fetch all campaigns for a Workspace by sending a GET request to

Parameter Required Description
status no Filter by one of the following statuses: draft, active, or paused. Defaults to all.


A paginated list of Campaign objects.

Subscribe a contact to campaign

Example Request

  "id": 39,
  "user_id": 303,
  "unsubscribed": false,
  "reactivate_if_removed": true,
  "starting_email_index": 1

Example Response

    "campaign": {
        "id": 39,
        "status": "draft",
        "name": "New Campaign",
        "created_at": 1522334060,
        "updated_at": 1522334060,
        "email_count": 0,
        "active_subscriber_count": 0,
        "unsubscribed_subscriber_count": 0,
        "email_open_rate": 0,
        "email_click_rate": 0,
        "href": ""

You can subscribe a contact to a campaign by submitting a POST to along with the id of the campaign.

Parameter Required Description
id yes The id of the campaign
email yes The email address of the subscriber
user_id yes if no email Your identifier for the contact
starting_email_index yes if no user_id The index of the email to send first. Defaults to 0.
reactivate_if_removed no Sending true will force subscribe the contact even if they unsubscribed from the campaign earlier.


A Campaign object.

Unsubscribe a contact from campaign

Example Request

  "id": 39,
  "user_id": 303,
  "unsubscribed": true,

Example Response

    "campaign": {
        "id": 39,
        "status": "draft",
        "name": "New Campaign",
        "created_at": 1522334060,
        "updated_at": 1522334060,
        "email_count": 0,
        "active_subscriber_count": 0,
        "unsubscribed_subscriber_count": 0,
        "email_open_rate": 0,
        "email_click_rate": 0,
        "href": ""

You can unsubscribe a contact from a campaign by submitting a POST to along with the id of the campaign.

Parameter Required Description
id yes The id of the campaign
email yes The email address of the subscriber
user_id yes if no email Your identifier for the contact


A Campaign object.

Subscription Types

A subscription type lets customers easily opt out of non-essential communications without missing what’s important to them.

The subscription type object

  "id": 43,
  "name": "Announcements",
  "description": "Offers, product and feature announcements",
  "people_count": 1,
  "status": "published",
  "display_order": 1 // 2, 3, 4 depending on the position of the subscription
Property Type Description
id integer The id of the subscription type
name string The name of the subscription type
description string Description for the subscription type
people_count integer Number of contacts subscribed
status string Status of the subscription type
display order integer Display Order of the subscription type

Retrieve a subscription type

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

You can fetch the details of a single subscription type.



A Subscription Type object.

List all subscription types

Example request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

You can fetch a list of all subscription types.



A paginated list of Subscription Type objects.

Attach a contact to subscription type

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data { "email": "[email protected]",
           "subscribed_status": true }

You can add a subscription to a contact by submitting POST to{subscription_type_id}

Parameter Required Description
user_id yes User id of the contact
email yes if no user_id Email id of the contact
contact_id yes if no user_id and email Unique Id of the contact
subscribed_status yes Describes if contact is added or removed from subscription. 'true' to add and 'false' to remove


A Contact object.

Detach a contact from subscription type

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data { "email": "[email protected]",
           "subscribed_status": false }

You can remove a subscription from a contact by submitting POST to{subscription_type_id}

Parameter Required Description
user_id yes User id of the contact
email yes if no user_id Email id of the contact
contact_id yes if no user_id and email Unique Id of the contact
subscribed_status yes Describes if contact is added or removed from subscription. 'true' to add and 'false' to remove


A Contact object.


Conversations are how you can communicate with your contacts in Gist. A single conversation is a unique thread of messages exchanged between a single Contact and a group of Teammates or a Bot. Each Conversation has a time-ordered set of Messages representing chat messages, internal notes, and metadata events within that conversation.

A new Conversation is created when a contact replies to an outbound message, or when one of your teammates directly sends a message to a single contact.

The conversation object

Example Response

  "conversation": {
      "id": 1911149811, // The id representing the conversation
      "created_at": 1539897198, // The time the conversation was created
      "updated_at": 1540393270, // The last time the conversation was updated
      "channel": "chat", // channel the conversation was initiated on.
      "title": "Conversation title", // title of the conversation that is created
      "conversation_identifier": "nmjkgjw6-322acdac-6b3d-17d8-c08e-dd1b6f82cfc3", // conversation url key
      // The contact who is involved in the conversation.
      "contacts": [
           "type": "user",
           "id": 165796,
           "user_id": "1",
           "email": "[email protected]"
      // List of all teammates that participated (left a response) in the conversation
      "teammates": [
              "id": 814860,
              "name": "Mark Strong",
              "email": "[email protected]"
      // The teammate the conversation is currently assigned to. Note 'unassigned' indicates the conversation is currently unassigned.
      "assignee": {
          "id": 814860,
          "type": "teammate", // can be team or teammate
                "name": "Mark Strong",
                "email": "[email protected]"
      "open": true, // Indicates whether a conversation is open (true) or closed (false)
      "state": "open", // Can be set to "open", "closed" or "snoozed"
      "read": true, // Indicates whether the last message in conversation has been read by the contact.
      "waiting_since": 64654125776, // The last time a contact responded to a teammate. In other words, the time a contact started waiting for a response. Set to null if last reply is from a teammate.
      "snoozed_until": null, // If set this is the time in the future when this conversation will be marked as open. i.e. it will be in a snoozed state until this time.
      // A list of tags associated with the conversation.
      "tags": {
          "tags": [
                "id": 5,
                "name": "test 3"
      // List of all available conversation properties in the conversation
      "custom_properties": {
        "user_id": 145,
        "city": "London",
        "last_seen": 1502979465,
        "active": true,
        "fruits": ["Apple", "Orange", "Peach"] // List property
      "priority": "not_priority", // The priority of the conversation. Can be set to "priority" or "not_priority"
      "conversation_rating": {
          "created_at": 1539897198, // indicates the time the rating was first left
          // the contact that gave the rating
          "contact": {
              "id": 1,
              "type": "lead"
          "rating": 5, // The rating, between 1 and 5, for the conversation
          "remark": null, // An optional field to add a remark to correspond to the number rating
          // An object containing the ID and type of the teammate associated with the conversation when it was rated
          "teammate": {
              "id": 814860,
              "name": "Mark Strong",
              "email": "[email protected]"
      "statistics": {
        "first_contact_reply_at": 1539897200,
        "first_assignment_at": 1539897200,
        "first_teammate_reply_at": 1539897200,
        "first_close_at": 1539897200,
        "last_assignment_at": 1539897200,
        "last_assignment_teammate_reply_at": 1539897200,
        "last_contact_reply_at": 1539897200,
        "last_teammate_reply_at": 1539897200,
        "last_close_at": 1539897200,
        "last_closed_by": {
          "id": 325432652,
          "name": "Tom Smith",
          "email": "[email protected]"
        "count_messages": 67

The message object

Example Response

  "message": {
  "message_type": "reply", // whether it is a reply or a note
  "is_inbound": false, // whether the message was received (true) or sent (false)
  "id": 2202737122,
  "conversation_id": 99999999,
  "created_at": 1539897200,
  "updated_at": 1539897200,
  "channel": "Chat", // can also be Email/Facebook/Twitter/API
  "author": {
    "type": "teammmate" // can be bot, contact or teammate
    "id": 815309,
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "first_name": "Leela",
    "last_name": "Turanga",
  "body": "Test_App typically replies in a few hours."

A message is a resource which can be either received or sent via an inbox. Messages are grouped by conversations.

A message can be either inbound (received) or outbound (sent). You can know if a message has been received or sent thanks to the boolean is_inbound.

Create a conversation

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
      "from": {
        "id": "1234"
      "body": "Hello there!",
      "title": "Conversation title",
      "custom_properties": {
        "user_id": 145,
        "city": "London",
        "last_seen": 1502979465,
        "active": true,
        "fruits": ["Apple", "Orange", "Peach"]

You can create a conversation that has been initiated by a contact (ie. user or lead).


A common use case is creating conversations in Gist that represent activity from other data sources. Enabling Gist to be your one stop shop for contact activity.

Request Parameters

Parameters Required Description
from yes See From object below for more.
body yes The content of the message. HTML is not supported.
title no Preferred title for the conversation
custom_properties no Preferred conversation properties. Property is created if it's not present already

From object

Parameters Required Description
id one of The identifier for the contact which is given by Gist.
user_id one of The user id you have defined for the contact
email one of The email you have defined for the contact


A Conversation object.

Retrieve a conversation

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

A single conversation can be fetched or looked up individually via their id parameter.


Specify the id of the conversation you wish to retrieve, where {id} is the id field of the conversation.

This will include the time when the conversation was created, the status, the page URL that the conversation was initiated on etc.


A Conversation object.

Update a conversation

Example Request

curl --request PATCH \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
      "title": "Conversation title",
      "custom_properties": {
        "user_id": 145,
        "city": "London",
        "last_seen": 1502979465,
        "active": true,
        "fruits": ["Apple", "Orange", "Peach"]

You can assign/update the title of the conversation.


Parameter Required Description
title no Preferred title for the conversation
custom_properties no Preferred conversation properties. Property is created if it's not present already


A Conversation object.

Retrieve all messages within a conversation

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

You can retrieve the messages within a conversation


Messages in the Messages object are ordered by with the most recently created messages appearing at the end of the list.

Parameter Required Description
page no The page of results to fetch. Defaults to first page
per_page no The number of results per page. Defaults to 50, max is 60
with_notes no Optional field where the with_notes can either be true or false or absent


A paginated list of Message objects.

Reply to a conversation

Example Request (Reply by Contact)

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
      "message_type": "reply",
      "from": {
        "type": "contact",
        "user_id": "32193"
      "body": "Hello there!"

Example Request (Reply by Teammate)

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
      "message_type": "reply",
      "from": {
        "type": "teammate", // "bot" to post a reply or note as a bot
        "teammate_id": "4543534", // not required if "bot"
      "body": "Hello there!"

You can reply to an existing conversation by sending the body of the message as a parameter.


Request Parameters

For a Contact Reply:

Parameter Required Description
message_type yes Must be ‘reply’
id one of The Gist defined id representing the contact
user_id one of The user id you have defined for the contact
email one of The email you have defined for the contact
body yes The text body of the comment.

or for a Teammate Reply:

Parameter Required Description
message_type yes Must be reply or note
teammate_id yes The id of the Teammate who is authoring the comment
body yes The text body of the comment. Must be set for reply and note.

Notes are not visible to the end user.


A Message object.

Delete a conversation

A single conversation can be deleted individually by sending the id parameter.


Specify the id of the conversation you wish to delete, where {id} is the id field of the conversation.


200 OK

Unassign a conversation

Example Request

curl --request PATCH \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
      "teammate_id": "4543534", // who is assigning
      "assignee_id": null // who it is being assigned to

You can unassign a conversation using this endpoint. You should do this if you do not want the conversation to remain in your own inbox. This will allow other teammates to pick up the conversation when the contact replies to it


Just set the assignee_id to ‘null’ when sending the request to un-assign a conversation.

Assign a conversation

Example Request

curl --request PATCH \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
      "teammate_id": "4543534", // who is assigning
      "assignee_id": "3245356" // who it is being assigned to
      "assignee_type": "teammate", // This can either be sent or ignored for assigning to teammate
curl --request PATCH \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
      "teammate_id": "4543534", // who is assigning
      "assignee_id": "1601", // ID of team to who it is being assigned to
      "assignee_type": "team", // For assigning this to team, this params is essential

You can assign a conversation to another teammate.


Just use the teammate ID of the teammate you want to assign the conversation to instead of 'null'.

Parameter Required Description
teammate_id yes Only teammates can assign a conversation so you need to provide the teammate_id
assignee_id yes To assign a conversation to team/teammate, this ID is essential. If left blank it will unassign the conversation
assignee_type no Value can either be team/teammate. You can ignore this params if you are assigning the conversation to teammate. For teammmate this params is optional. For assigning to the team this is required.

Snooze a conversation

Example Request

curl --request PATCH \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
      "state": "snoozed",
      // "type": "bot",
      "teammate_id": "4357446", // ID of the teammate who snooozed the conversation

You can snooze a conversation.


Which accepts a JSON object identifying the time you want the conversation snoozed until.

Parameter Required Description
type one of Mention as "bot" to perform snooze conversation as a bot
teammate_id one of The id of the teammate who is performing the snooze action
state yes Must be snoozed
snooze_until yes The time in Unix time (i.e. seconds) you want the conversation to reopen

Unsnooze a conversation

Example Request

curl --request PATCH \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
      "state": "open",
      // "type": "bot",
      "teammate_id": "4357446",  // ID of the teammate who opened the conversation

You can unsnooze a conversation.


With the state set to ‘open’

Parameter Required Description
type one of Mention as "bot" to perform unsnooze conversation as a bot
teammate_id one of The id of the teammate who is performing the unsnooze action
state yes Must be ‘open’ to re-open or unsnooze the conversation

Close a conversation

Example Request

curl --request PATCH \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
      "state": "closed",
      // "type": "bot",
      "teammate_id": "4357446", // ID of the teammate who closed the conversation

You can close a conversation with or without a reply once you set the message to close: "state":"closed".


Prioritize a conversation

Example Request

curl --request PATCH \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
      "teammate_id": "4357446", // ID of the teammate who set the priority
      // "type": "bot",
      "priority": "priority", // The priority of the conversation. Can be set to "priority" or "not_priority"

You can mark a conversation as priority by sending “priority”: “priority” as the body.


Retrieve global conversation counts

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Example Response

    "conversation_count": {
        "open": 30,
        "closed": 170,
        "snoozed": 5,
        "unassigned": 5,
        "assigned": 30
Attribute Type Description
conversation object Contains counts related to conversations number Contains the number of open conversations
conversation.closed number Contains the number of closed conversations
conversation.snoozed number Contains the number of snoozed conversations
conversation.unassigned number Contains the number of unassigned conversations
conversation.assigned number Contains the number of assigned conversations

You may want to occasionally query the total state of conversations in your workspace without having to scroll through the conversation API.

The following endpoint will return a count of conversations by status in the workspace.


Note that each property will be absent if the count is 0. i.e. a response with "conversationCount" : {} indicates no conversations.

Retrieve team conversations counts

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Example Response

    "conversation_count": {
        "teams": [
                "id": 1601,
                "name": "Support team",
                "open": 1,
                "snoozed": 0,
                "closed": 0
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Marketing team",
                "open": 0,
                "snoozed": 1,
                "closed": 1

You can fetch the team ID and name along with the count of the number of conversations assigned to them within your Gist workspace.


Retrieve teammate conversations counts

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Example Response

    "conversation_count": {
        "teammates": [
                "id": 603,
                "name": "Jitta",
                "open": 4,
                "snoozed": 0,
                "closed": 1
                "id": 297,
                "name": "Indrani",
                "open": 4,
                "snoozed": 0,
                "closed": 1
                "id": 654,
                "name": "Ruchi",
                "open": 4,
                "snoozed": 0,
                "closed": 1

You can fetch the teammate ID and name along with the count of the number of conversations assigned to them within your Gist workspace.


Tag a conversation

Example request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "message_id": 4352, // optional. Tag will be applied to last message of conversation if id not provided
  "tags": "bug, sales" // comma separated values

You can apply a tag to the conversation


Property Type Description
message_id integer The id of the message to which tag is to be applied
tags string Comma separated values of tags to be applied

Untag a conversation

Example request

curl --request DELETE \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "message_id": 4352, // optional. Tag will be removed from all messages of conversation if id not provided
  "tag_id": 1224

You can remove the tag from a conversation


Property Type Description
message_id integer The id of the message from which tag is to be removed
tag_id integer The id of the tag to be removed

List all conversations

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

You can fetch a list of all conversations.


order can be asc or desc

status can be all, open, closed, snoozed

order_by can be created_at, updated_at or waiting_longest

page value can be 1,2,3.. ete depending on the page number required

Default values:

order = desc

status = all

order_by = updated_at

page = 1

Each conversation has a type depending on the channel it has been sent with:

Type Description
chat Chat message
email Email message
tweet_dm Direct Message from Twitter
facebook Message from Facebook


A paginated list of Conversation objects.

Search conversations

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{ "filter_query": [
      "criteria": [
          "key": "",
          "operator": "=",
          "value": 165796
          "key": "teammate_assigned_id",
          "operator": "IN",
          "value": [7652, 9098]
      "criteria": [
          "key": "channel",
          "operator": "NIN",
          "value": ["email", "facebook"]

You can search conversations by passing a search query to conversation search endpoint.


order can be asc or desc

status can be all, open, closed, snoozed

order_by can be created_at, updated_at or waiting_longest

page value can be 1,2,3.. ete depending on the page number required

Default values:

order = desc

status = all

order_by = updated_at

page = 1

Query Basics

To search for conversations, you specify the search query in the body of the request named filter_query. To understand how the search query is built, you will need to learn about conditions and criteria.


It is the smallest unit of the query that is made up of key, operator and value.

Parameter Description
key A property associated with the conversation that you can search for. See below for the supported keys.
operator Indicates the type of operation that needs to be performed. See below for supported operators
value Indicates the text or id or an array you want to search by.


{ "key": "teammate_assigned_id", "operator": "IN", "value": [7652, 9098] }


It is a collection of multiple conditions combined with an OR logic.

Filter Query

It is a collection of multiple criteria combined with AND logic.

Supported keys

Key Type Description
teammate_assigned_id Integer The id of the teammate assigned to the conversations.
team_assigned_id Integer The id of the team assigned to the conversations.
is_assigned Boolean Indicates whether the conversations are assigned (true) or unassigned (false).
channel String The channel the conversations were initiated on. Accepted values are Email, Chat, Facebook, Twitter & API.
conversation_tags Integer The id of the tag associated with the conversations. Integer The id of the contact involved in the conversations.


Operator Valid Types Description
= All Equals
Values must be an array
Values must be an array


A paginated list of Conversation objects.


Teams are groups of teammates in Gist.

The team object

Example Response

    "id": 814865,
    "name": "Support Team",
    "teammate_ids": [
Property Type Description
id string The id of the team
name string The name of the team
teammate_ids object A list of teammate ids that are part of the team

Retrieve a team

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

You can fetch the details of a single team.



A Team object.

List all teams

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

You can fetch the details of all teams within your Gist workspace.


*Returns: *


A paginated list of Teams objects.


Teammates are people in your organization who have a registered Gist account and have access to your workspace.

The teammate object

Example Response

    "id": 7652,
    "name": "John Doe",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "avatar": "",
    "agent_status": "online",
    "last_active_on": "2020-10-08T13:05:38.022Z",
    "away_mode_enabled": false,
    "team_ids": [
    "has_inbox_seat": true
Property Type Description
id string The id of the teammate
name string The name of the teammate
email string The email of the teammate
avatar string URL where the user's profile image is saved
agent_status string status of the user. whether online, away or offline based on their last seen
last_active_on DateTime The time with which the user has made last web activity irrespective of the away mode.
away_mode_enabled boolean Whether the teammate is currently set in away more or not.
has_inbox_seat boolean Whether the teammate has a paid inbox seat or not
team_ids object A list of team ids the teammate is a part of

Retrieve a teammate

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "teammate_id": "493881", // one of these
    "email": "[email protected]", // one of these

You can fetch the details of a single teammate.


You can send either the teammate_id or the email of the teammate to fetch their details.


A Teammate object.

Retrieve a list of Teammates

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

You can fetch the details of all teammates within your Gist workspace.



A paginated list of Teammates objects.

Workspace meta

Get the meta data of the current workspace. This can be used to get the workspace ID that the token was created for. Access tokens generated using oAuth also include the scopes and app ID that the token is associated with.

The token object

An expires_in time of 0, may indicate no expiration on the token. Any token generated through the oAuth flow in the developer platform will stay valid until app is uninstalled or deleted.

Example Response

    "workspace_id": "nrrjryb4",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 0,
    "app_id": 24,
    "scope": "read_contact"
    "created_at": 1652960176,
Property Type Description
workspace_id string The workspace ID the token was created for
app_id string The app id associated with the token.
token_type string The type of authentication.
expires_in string The UNIX timestamp of when the token expires.
created_at string The UNIX timestamp of when the token was generated.
scope string A space-separated list of oAuth scopes on the token.

Retrieve workspace meta

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

You can fetch the details of a single team.



A Token object.


In Gist with the help of webhooks, we will provide you with real-time information immediately. If any changes happen in the website like a user filled a form or had a conversation with an agent, each and every information will be delivered to you as it happens. This makes the process more efficient, unlike other APIs where you need to call for data very frequently in order to get it real-time.

Webhooks are available on our Premium plans.

Setup webhooks

Supported topics

You can retrieve the data in JSON format. Webhooks are available for the following topics

Topic Description
User Created When a new user gets created
Lead Created When a new lead gets created
User Deleted When a existing user is deleted
Lead Deleted When a existing lead is deleted
Contact Tagged When a contact gets tagged
Contact Untagged When a contact gets untagged
Custom Attribute Updated When a custom attribute is updated
Contact Email Updated When the contact email is updated
Contact Unsubscribed Emails When a contact unsubscribed emails
Contact Initiated Conversation When we receive a new message from a contact
Conversation Assigned When a conversation gets assigned to a teammate
Conversation Opened When a conversation is opened
Conversation Closed When a conversation is closed
Conversation Rating When a conversation is rated by a contact
Message From Contact When a contact send a message in chat
Teammate Replied When a teammate replied in chat
Note Added When a teammate add a note to the conversation
Contact Subscribed Campaign When the contact subscribed for a campaign
Contact Unsubscribed Campaign When the contact unsubscribed for a campaign
New Page Visit When there is a new page visit
Contact Performed Event When a contact performed an event
Lead Submitted Email When a lead submits an Email
Event Created When a event is created
Contact Submitted Form When a contact submits a form
Meeting Scheduled When a meeting is scheduled
Meeting Cancelled When a meeting is cancelled
Meeting Rescheduled When a meeting is rescheduled

Handling Notification

When you setup a subscription you will receive notifications on your chosen topics. How you handle those notifications, i.e. the HTTP status code returned, will determine the subsequent state of that subscription. Please see below for a list of how a subscription will respond to these status codes

Response Code Description Action
2XX Success Timeout in 10 seconds
410 Gone- Resource no longer available The webhook will be disabled
4XX*, 5XX Client or service error 1st retry in 1 Hour. 2nd retry in 3 Hours. 3rd retry in 6 Hours. 4th retry in 24 Hours

Note: Retry interval is relative to original attempt.

*Excluding 410

Webhook data

This section describes the JSON format of the data sent via individual webhooks.

User Created

User created webhook will trigger when an user is created with Gist. We can be identified the user created webhook by "event_type":"user_created" and the created user as "user" with "type":"user" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

User Created

   "event_type": "user_created",
   "contact" {
     "type": "user",
     "id": 297267,
     "name": Example,
     "email": "[email protected]",
     "user_id": 1234,
     "phone": 9999999999,
     "created_at": 1542699961,
     "signed_up_at": 1542700022,
     "last_seen_at": 1542700022,
     "last_contacted_at": null,
     "updated_at": 1542700022,
     "session_count": 1,
     "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120u0026type=svgu0026text=TE",
     "landing_url": "",
     "original_referrer": "",
     "last_seen_ip": null,
     "last_seen_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36",
     "location_data": {
       "city_name": null,
       "region_name": null,
       "country_name": null,
       "country_code": null,
       "continent_name": null,
       "continent_code": null,
       "latitude": null,
       "longitude": null,
       "postal_code": null,
       "time_zone": null,
       "utc_offset": null
     "segments": [],
     "tags": [],
     "social_profiles": [],
     "custom_properties": {
       "facebook": null
     "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false"

Lead Created

Lead created webhook will trigger when a lead is created with Gist. We can be identified the lead created webhook by "event_type":"lead_created" and the created user as "user" with "type":"lead" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Lead Created

   "event_type": "lead_created",
   "contact" {
     "type": "lead",
     "id": 297267,
     "name": null,
     "email": "[email protected]",
     "user_id": null,
     "phone": null,
     "created_at": 1542699961,
     "signed_up_at": 1542700022,
     "last_seen_at": 1542700022,
     "last_contacted_at": null,
     "updated_at": 1542700022,
     "session_count": 1,
     "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120u0026type=svgu0026text=TE",
     "landing_url": "",
     "original_referrer": "",
     "last_seen_ip": null,
     "last_seen_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36",
     "location_data": {
       "city_name": null,
       "region_name": null,
       "country_name": null,
       "country_code": null,
       "continent_name": null,
       "continent_code": null,
       "latitude": null,
       "longitude": null,
       "postal_code": null,
       "time_zone": null,
       "utc_offset": null
     "segments": [],
     "tags": [],
     "social_profiles": [],
     "custom_properties": {
       "facebook": null
     "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false"

User Deleted

User deleted webhook will trigger when an user is deleted in Gist. We can be identified the user deleted webhook by "event_type":"user_deleted" and the deleted user as "user" with "type":"user" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

User Deleted

  "event_type": "delete_lead",
  "contact" {
    "type": "lead",
    "id": 297265,
    "name": Example,
    "email": [email protected],
    "user_id": 1234,
    "phone": 9999999999,
    "created_at": 1542698541,
    "signed_up_at": null,
    "last_seen_at": 1542698541,
    "last_contacted_at": null,
    "updated_at": 1542698578,
    "session_count": 1,
    "avatar": "",
    "landing_url": "",
    "original_referrer": "",
    "last_seen_ip": null,
    "last_seen_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36",
    "location_data": {
      "city_name": null,
      "region_name": null,
      "country_name": null,
      "country_code": null,
      "continent_name": null,
      "continent_code": null,
      "latitude": null,
      "longitude": null,
      "postal_code": null,
      "time_zone": null,
      "utc_offset": null
    "segments": [],
    "tags": [],
    "social_profiles": [],
    "custom_properties": {
      "facebook": null
    "unsubscribed_from_emails": null

Lead Deleted

Lead deleted webhook will trigger when a lead is deleted in Gist. We can be identified the lead deleted webhook by "event_type":"lead_deleted" and the deleted lead as "user" with "type":"lead" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Lead Deleted

  "event_type": "delete_lead",
  "contact" {
    "type": "lead",
    "id": 297265,
    "name": null,
    "email": [email protected],
    "user_id": null,
    "phone": null,
    "created_at": 1542698541,
    "signed_up_at": null,
    "last_seen_at": 1542698541,
    "last_contacted_at": null,
    "updated_at": 1542698578,
    "session_count": 1,
    "avatar": "",
    "landing_url": "",
    "original_referrer": "",
    "last_seen_ip": null,
    "last_seen_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36",
    "location_data": {
      "city_name": null,
      "region_name": null,
      "country_name": null,
      "country_code": null,
      "continent_name": null,
      "continent_code": null,
      "latitude": null,
      "longitude": null,
      "postal_code": null,
      "time_zone": null,
      "utc_offset": null
    "segments": [],
    "tags": [],
    "social_profiles": [],
    "custom_properties": {
      "facebook": null
    "unsubscribed_from_emails": null

Contact Tagged

Contact tagged webhook will trigger when a contact(lead/user) is tagged in Gist. We can be identified the contact tagged webhook by "event_type":"contact_tagged" and the added tag as "added_tag" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Contact Tagged

  "event_type": "contact_tagged",
  "contact" {
    "type": "lead",
    "id": 297266,
    "name": null,
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "user_id": null,
    "phone": null,
    "created_at": 1542699599,
    "signed_up_at": 1542699634,
    "last_seen_at": 1542699634,
    "last_contacted_at": null,
    "updated_at": 1542699634,
    "session_count": 1,
    "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120u0026type=svgu0026text=EX",
    "landing_url": "",
    "original_referrer": "",
    "last_seen_ip": null,
    "last_seen_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36",
    "location_data": {
      "city_name": null,
      "region_name": null,
      "country_name": null,
      "country_code": null,
      "continent_name": null,
      "continent_code": null,
      "latitude": null,
      "longitude": null,
      "postal_code": null,
      "time_zone": null,
      "utc_offset": null
    "segments": [],
    "tags": [
        "id": 320,
        "name": "webhook"
    "social_profiles": [],
    "custom_properties": {
      "facebook": null
    "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false",
    "added_tag": {
      "id": 320,
      "name": "webhook"

Contact Untagged

Contact untagged webhook will trigger when a contact(lead/user) is untagged in Gist. We can be identified the contact untagged webhook by "event_type":"contact_untagged" and the removed tag as "removed_tag" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Contact Untagged

  "event_type": "contact_untagged",
  "contact" {
    "type": "lead",
    "id": 297266,
    "name": null,
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "user_id": null,
    "phone": null,
    "created_at": 1542699599,
    "signed_up_at": 1542699634,
    "last_seen_at": 1542699634,
    "last_contacted_at": null,
    "updated_at": 1542699634,
    "session_count": 1,
    "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120u0026type=svgu0026text=EX",
    "landing_url": "",
    "original_referrer": "",
    "last_seen_ip": null,
    "last_seen_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36",
    "location_data": {
      "city_name": null,
      "region_name": null,
      "country_name": null,
      "country_code": null,
      "continent_name": null,
      "continent_code": null,
      "latitude": null,
      "longitude": null,
      "postal_code": null,
      "time_zone": null,
      "utc_offset": null
    "segments": [],
    "tags": [
        "id": 330,
        "name": "eduction"
    "social_profiles": [],
    "custom_properties": {
      "facebook": null
    "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false",
    "removed_tag": {
      "id": 320,
      "name": "webhook"

Custom Attribute Updated

Custom Attribute Updated webhook will trigger when the custom attribute of a contact(lead/user) is updated in Gist. We can be identified the custom attribute updated webhook by "event_type":"custom_attribute_updated" and the updated custom attributes in "custom_properties" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Custom Attribute Updated

   "event_type": "user_created",
   "contact" {
     "type": "user",
     "id": 297267,
     "name": Example,
     "email": "[email protected]",
     "user_id": 1234,
     "phone": 9999999999,
     "created_at": 1542699961,
     "signed_up_at": 1542700022,
     "last_seen_at": 1542700022,
     "last_contacted_at": null,
     "updated_at": 1542700022,
     "session_count": 1,
     "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120u0026type=svgu0026text=TE",
     "landing_url": "",
     "original_referrer": "",
     "last_seen_ip": null,
     "last_seen_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36",
     "location_data": {
       "city_name": null,
       "region_name": null,
       "country_name": null,
       "country_code": null,
       "continent_name": null,
       "continent_code": null,
       "latitude": null,
       "longitude": null,
       "postal_code": null,
       "time_zone": null,
       "utc_offset": null
     "segments": [],
     "tags": [],
     "social_profiles": [],
     "custom_properties": {
       "facebook": true,
       "twitter": false
     "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false"

Contact Email Updated

Contact email updated webhook will trigger when the email of a contact(lead/user) is updated in Gist. We can be identified the Contact email updated webhook by "event_type":"contact_email_updated" and the updated email in "email" of "user" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Contact Email Updated

   "event_type": "contact_email_updated",
   "contact" {
     "type": "user",
     "id": 297267,
     "name": Example,
     "email": "[email protected]",
     "user_id": 1234,
     "phone": 9999999999,
     "created_at": 1542699961,
     "signed_up_at": 1542700022,
     "last_seen_at": 1542700022,
     "last_contacted_at": null,
     "updated_at": 1542700022,
     "session_count": 1,
     "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120u0026type=svgu0026text=TE",
     "landing_url": "",
     "original_referrer": "",
     "last_seen_ip": null,
     "last_seen_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36",
     "location_data": {
       "city_name": null,
       "region_name": null,
       "country_name": null,
       "country_code": null,
       "continent_name": null,
       "continent_code": null,
       "latitude": null,
       "longitude": null,
       "postal_code": null,
       "time_zone": null,
       "utc_offset": null
     "segments": [],
     "tags": [],
     "social_profiles": [],
     "custom_properties": {
       "facebook": null
     "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false"

Contact Unsubscribed Emails

Contact unsubscribed emails webhook will trigger when the contact(lead/user) is unsubscribed from emails in Gist. We can be identified the Contact unsubscribed emails webhook by "event_type":"contact_unsubscribed_email" and the contact unsubscribed emails in "unsubscribed_from_emails" of "user" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Contact Unsubscribed Emails

   "event_type": "contact_unsubscribed_emails",
   "contact" {
     "type": "user",
     "id": 297267,
     "name": Example,
     "email": "[email protected]",
     "user_id": 1234,
     "phone": 9999999999,
     "created_at": 1542699961,
     "signed_up_at": 1542700022,
     "last_seen_at": 1542700022,
     "last_contacted_at": null,
     "updated_at": 1542700022,
     "session_count": 1,
     "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120u0026type=svgu0026text=TE",
     "landing_url": "",
     "original_referrer": "",
     "last_seen_ip": null,
     "last_seen_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36",
     "location_data": {
       "city_name": null,
       "region_name": null,
       "country_name": null,
       "country_code": null,
       "continent_name": null,
       "continent_code": null,
       "latitude": null,
       "longitude": null,
       "postal_code": null,
       "time_zone": null,
       "utc_offset": null
     "segments": [],
     "tags": [],
     "social_profiles": [],
     "custom_properties": {
       "facebook": null
     "unsubscribed_from_emails": "true"

Contact Initiated Conversation

Contact initiated conversation webhook will trigger when the contact(lead/user) started a new chat in Gist. We can be identified the Contact initiated conversation webhook by "event_type":"contact_initiated_conversation" and the contact initiated conversation as "conversation" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Contact Initiated Conversation

  "event_type": "contact_initiated_conversation",
  "conversation": {
    "id": 13859,
    "channel": "Chat",
    "state": "open",
    "title": "Conversation title",
    "contact": {
      "type": "user",
      "id": 13450,
      "user_id": "13450",
      "email": "[email protected]"
    "assignee": {
      "type": "teammate",
      "id": 158,
      "name": "Example",
      "email": "[email protected]",

Conversation Assigned

Conversation assigned webhook will trigger when the conversation is assigned to some agent/team in Gist. We can be identified the conversation assigned webhook by "event_type":"conversation_assigned" and the agent/team to whom the conversation assigned in "assignee" of "conversation" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Conversation Assigned

  "event_type": "conversation_assigned",
   "conversation": {
      "id": 13859,
      "channel": "Chat",
      "state": "open",
      "title": "Conversation title",
      "contact": {
        "type": "user",
        "id": 13450,
        "user_id": "13450",
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "assignee": {
        "type": "teammate",
        "id": 158,
        "name": "Example",
        "email": "[email protected]",

Conversation Opened

Conversation opened webhook will trigger when the conversation is opened in Gist. We can be identified the conversation opened webhook by "event_type":"conversation_opened" and the conversation opened with "state" of "conversation" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Conversation Opened

  "event_type": "conversation_opened",
   "conversation": {
      "id": 13859,
      "channel": "Chat",
      "state": "open",
      "title": "Conversation title",
      "contact": {
        "type": "user",
        "id": 13450,
        "user_id": "13450",
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "assignee": {
        "type": "teammate",
        "id": 158,
        "name": "Example",
        "email": "[email protected]",

Conversation Closed

Conversation closed webhook will trigger when the conversation is closed in Gist. We can be identified the conversation closed webhook by "event_type":"conversation_closed" and the conversation closed with "state" of "conversation" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Conversation Closed

  "event_type": "conversation_closed",
   "conversation": {
      "id": 13859,
      "channel": "Chat",
      "state": "open",
      "title": "Conversation title",
      "contact": {
        "type": "user",
        "id": 13450,
        "user_id": "13450",
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "assignee": {
        "type": "teammate",
        "id": 158,
        "name": "Example",
        "email": "[email protected]",

Conversation Rating

A conversation rating contains information related to a customer's satisfaction with their interaction with your team. For more info on conversation ratings please see here

Conversation rating

  "event_type": "conversation_rating",
   "conversation": {
      "id": 13859,
      "channel": "Chat",
      "state": "open",
      "title": "Conversation title",
      "contact": {
        "type": "lead",
        "id": 129243610,
        "user_id": "nil",
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "assignee": {
        "type": "teammate",
        "id": 138,
        "name": "John",
        "email"=>"[email protected]"
      "conversation_rating": {
         "rating": 5,
         "remark": "Good",
         "created_at": 1590542572,
         "contact": {
            "id": 129243610
         "teammate": {
         "id": 138,
         "name": "John",
         "email": "[email protected]"

The conversation rating object

Property Type Description
rating integer The rating is between 1 and 5 for the conversation
remark string An optional field to add a remark to correspond to the number rating
created_at timestamp The time the conversation that is being rated was created
contact Contact object An object containing the ID and type of the customer (e.g. it could be a user or lead)
agent User object An object containing the ID the teammate finally replied to the conversation

Message From Contact

Message from contact webhook will trigger when the contact(lead/user) send a message to a conversation in Gist. We can be identified the message from contact webhook by "event_type":"message_from_contact", the message from contact as "message" and the contact "author" object with type 'contact' in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Contact Replied

  "event_type": "message_from_contact",
  "message": {
     "message_type": "reply",
     "is_inbound": true,
     "id": 25137,
     "conversation_id": 13832,
     "body": "Hi there",
     "channel": "Chat", // can also be Email/Facebook/Twitter/API
     "created_at": 1585112120,
     "updated_at": 1585112120,
     "author": {
        "type": "contact",
        "id": 324124,
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "first_name": "Smith",
        "last_name": "Jardon"

Teammate Replied

Teammate replied webhook will trigger when the teammate replied for a conversation in Gist. We can be identified the teammate replied webhook by "event_type":"teammate_replied", the teammate replied message as "message" and the teammate as "author" object with type 'teammate' in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Teammate Replied

  "event_type": "teammate_replied",
     "message": {
        "message_type": "reply",
        "is_inbound": true,
        "id": 25137,
        "conversation_id": 13832,
        "created_at": 1585112120,
        "updated_at": 1585112120,
        "channel": "Chat", // can also be Email/Facebook/Twitter/API
        "author": {
           "type": "teammate",
            "id": 324124,
           "email": "[email protected]",
           "first_name": "Christopher",
           "last_name": "Syre"

Note Added

Note added webhook will trigger when the teammate added a note in a conversation in Gist. We can be identified the note added webhook by "event_type":"note_added", the note message as "message" and the teammate as "agent" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Note Added

  "event_type": "note_added",
  "message": {
     "message_type": "note",
     "is_inbound": false,
     "id": 25137,
     "conversation_id": 13832,
     "body": "@Smith - Can you please check this?&amp;nbsp;",
     "channel": "Chat", // can also be Email/Facebook/Twitter/API
     "created_at": 1585112120,
     "updated_at": 1585112120,
     "author": {
        "type": "teammate",
        "id": 324124,
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "first_name": "Christopher",
        "last_name": "Syre"

Contact Subscribed Campaign

Contact subscribed campaign webhook will trigger when the contact(lead/user) subscribed to a campaign in Gist. We can be identified the contact subscribed campaign webhook by "event_type":"contact_subscribed_campaign" and the subscribed campaign in "campaign" of "user" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Contact Subscribed Campaign

  "event_type": "contact_subscribed_campaign",
  "contact" {
    "type": "lead",
    "id": 297268,
    "name": "Test",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "user_id": null,
    "phone": null,
    "created_at": 1542700926,
    "signed_up_at": 1542700956,
    "last_seen_at": 1542700956,
    "last_contacted_at": null,
    "updated_at": 1542700956,
    "session_count": 1,
    "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120u0026type=svgu0026text=TE",
    "landing_url": null,
    "original_referrer": null,
    "last_seen_ip": null,
    "last_seen_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36",
    "location_data": {
      "city_name": null,
      "region_name": null,
      "country_name": null,
      "country_code": null,
      "continent_name": null,
      "continent_code": null,
      "latitude": null,
      "longitude": null,
      "postal_code": null,
      "time_zone": null,
      "utc_offset": null
    "segments": [
        "id": 599,
        "name": "All Users",
        "created_at": 1524656926,
        "updated_at": 1542700957
    "tags": [],
    "social_profiles": [],
    "custom_properties": {
      "facebook": null
    "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false",
    "campaign": {
      "id": 32,
      "status": "live",
      "name": "Test campaign",
      "created_at": 1528963438,
      "updated_at": 1542701276,
      "email_count": 1,
      "active_subscriber_count": 4,
      "unsubscribed_subscriber_count": 0,
      "email_open_rate": 0,
      "email_click_rate": 0,
      "href": ""

Contact Unsubscribed Campaign

Contact unsubscribed campaign webhook will trigger when the contact(lead/user) unsubscribed to a campaign in Gist. We can be identified the contact unsubscribed campaign webhook by "event_type":"contact_unsubscribed_campaign" and the unsubscribed campaign in "campaign" of "user" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Contact Unsubscribed Campaign

  "event_type": "contact_unsubscribed_campaign",
  "contact" {
    "type": "lead",
    "id": 297268,
    "name": "Test",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "user_id": null,
    "phone": null,
    "created_at": 1542700926,
    "signed_up_at": 1542700956,
    "last_seen_at": 1542700956,
    "last_contacted_at": null,
    "updated_at": 1542700956,
    "session_count": 1,
    "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120u0026type=svgu0026text=TE",
    "landing_url": null,
    "original_referrer": null,
    "last_seen_ip": null,
    "last_seen_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36",
    "location_data": {
      "city_name": null,
      "region_name": null,
      "country_name": null,
      "country_code": null,
      "continent_name": null,
      "continent_code": null,
      "latitude": null,
      "longitude": null,
      "postal_code": null,
      "time_zone": null,
      "utc_offset": null
    "segments": [
        "id": 599,
        "name": "All Users",
        "created_at": 1524656926,
        "updated_at": 1542700957
    "tags": [],
    "social_profiles": [],
    "custom_properties": {
      "facebook": null
    "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false",
    "campaign": {
      "id": 32,
      "status": "live",
      "name": "Test campaign",
      "created_at": 1528963438,
      "updated_at": 1542701276,
      "email_count": 1,
      "active_subscriber_count": 4,
      "unsubscribed_subscriber_count": 0,
      "email_open_rate": 0,
      "email_click_rate": 0,
      "href": ""

Contact Performed Event

Contact performed event webhook will trigger when the contact(lead/user) performed a defined event in Gist. We can be identified the contact performed event webhook by "event_type":"contact_performed_event" and the performed event as "event" of "user" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Contact Performed Event

  "event_type": "contact_performed_event",
  "contact" {
    "type": "lead",
    "id": 297276,
    "name": null,
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "user_id": null,
    "phone": null,
    "created_at": 1544075170,
    "signed_up_at": 1544075441,
    "last_seen_at": 1544079362,
    "last_contacted_at": null,
    "updated_at": 1544079362,
    "session_count": 2,
    "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120u0026type=svgu0026text=TE",
    "landing_url": "localhost",
    "original_referrer": "",
    "last_seen_ip": null,
    "last_seen_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.110 Safari/537.36",
    "location_data": {
      "city_name": null,
      "region_name": null,
      "country_name": null,
      "country_code": null,
      "continent_name": null,
      "continent_code": null,
      "latitude": null,
      "longitude": null,
      "postal_code": null,
      "time_zone": null,
      "utc_offset": null
    "segments": [
        "id": 599,
        "name": "All Users",
        "created_at": 1524656926,
        "updated_at": 1544075441
    "tags": [],
    "social_profiles": [],
    "custom_properties": {
      "facebook": null
    "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false",
    "event": {
        "id": 297276,
        "user_id": null,
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "name": "Event Name",
        "properties": {
          "tag": "",
          "type": "",
          "id": "",
          "class": "",
          "href": "",
          "linkText": "",
          "action": "",
          "title": "Helloworld",
          "method": ""
        "occurred_at": 1544079788

Lead Submitted Email

Lead submitted email webhook will trigger when the lead submitted email in Gist. We can be identified the lead submitted email webhook by "event_type":"lead_submitted_email" and the submitted email in "email" of "user" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Lead Submitted Email

  "event_type": "lead_submitted_email",
  "contact" {
    "type": "lead",
    "id": 297267,
    "name": null,
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "user_id": null,
    "phone": null,
    "created_at": 1542699961,
    "signed_up_at": 1542700022,
    "last_seen_at": 1542700022,
    "last_contacted_at": null,
    "updated_at": 1542700022,
    "session_count": 1,
    "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120u0026type=svgu0026text=TE",
    "landing_url": "",
    "original_referrer": "",
    "last_seen_ip": null,
    "last_seen_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36",
    "location_data": {
      "city_name": null,
      "region_name": null,
      "country_name": null,
      "country_code": null,
      "continent_name": null,
      "continent_code": null,
      "latitude": null,
      "longitude": null,
      "postal_code": null,
      "time_zone": null,
      "utc_offset": null
    "segments": [
        "id": 599,
        "name": "All Users",
        "created_at": 1524656926,
        "updated_at": 1542700023
    "tags": [],
    "social_profiles": [],
    "custom_properties": {
      "facebook": null
    "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false"

Contact Submitted Form

Contact submitted form webhook will trigger when the contact submitted a form in Gist, based on optin method of submitted form. We can be identified the contact submitted form webhook by "event_type":"contact_submitted_form" and the submitted form in "submitted_form" of "user" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Contact Submitted Form

  "event_type": “contact_submitted_form”,
  "contact" {
    "type": "lead",
    "id": 297268,
    "name": "Test",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "user_id": null,
    "phone": null,
    "created_at": 1542700926,
    "signed_up_at": 1542700956,
    "last_seen_at": 1542700956,
    "last_contacted_at": null,
    "updated_at": 1542700956,
    "session_count": 1,
    "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120u0026type=svgu0026text=TE",
    "landing_url": null,
    "original_referrer": null,
    "last_seen_ip": null,
    "last_seen_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36",
    "location_data": {
      "city_name": null,
      "region_name": null,
      "country_name": null,
      "country_code": null,
      "continent_name": null,
      "continent_code": null,
      "latitude": null,
      "longitude": null,
      "postal_code": null,
      "time_zone": null,
      "utc_offset": null
    "segments": [
        "id": 599,
        "name": "All Users",
        "created_at": 1524656926,
        "updated_at": 1542700957
    "tags": [],
    "social_profiles": [],
    "custom_properties": {
      "facebook": null
    "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false",
    "submitted_form": {
      "id": 36,
      "title": "Welcome",
      "created_at": 1531550359,
      "form_type": "lightbox",
      "status": "live"

Meeting Scheduled

Meeting scheduled webhook will trigger when a meeting is scheduled with agent in Gist. We can be identified the meeting scheduled webhook by "event_type":"meeting_scheduled" and the scheduled meeting as "meeting" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Meeting Scheduled

  "event_type": "meeting_scheduled",
  "meeting": {
    "id": 4,
    "contact": {
      "type": "lead",
      "id": 297229,
      "name": "Example",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "user_id": null,
      "phone": null,
      "created_at": 1541155954,
      "signed_up_at": 1541155953,
      "last_seen_at": 1541155953,
      "last_contacted_at": null,
      "updated_at": 1541155954,
      "session_count": null,
      "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120u0026type=svgu0026text=GO",
      "landing_url": "",
      "original_referrer": null,
      "last_seen_ip": null,
      "last_seen_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36",
      "location_data": {
        "city_name": null,
        "region_name": null,
        "country_name": null,
        "country_code": null,
        "continent_name": null,
        "continent_code": null,
        "latitude": null,
        "longitude": null,
        "postal_code": null,
        "time_zone": null,
        "utc_offset": null
      "segments": [
          "id": 615,
          "name": "test rule",
          "created_at": 1528984324,
          "updated_at": 1542803636
      "tags": [],
      "social_profiles": [],
      "custom_properties": {
        "facebook": ""
      "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false"
    "scheduled_date_time": 1541138400,
    "invitee_name": "Example",
    "invitee_email": "[email protected]",
    "invitee_other_details": {
    "created_at": 1541156335,
    "updated_at": 1541156885,
    "duration": 45,
    "user_time_zone": "Asia/Calcutta",
    "agent_time_zone": "Etc/GMT+12",

Meeting Cancelled

Meeting cancelled webhook will trigger when a meeting is cancelled with agent in Gist. We can be identified the meeting cancelled webhook by "event_type":"meeting_cancelled" and the cancelled meeting as "meeting" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Meeting Cancelled

  "event_type": "meeting_cancelled",
  "meeting": {
    "id": 4,
    "contact": {
      "type": "lead",
      "id": 297229,
      "name": "Example",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "user_id": null,
      "phone": null,
      "created_at": 1541155954,
      "signed_up_at": 1541155953,
      "last_seen_at": 1541155953,
      "last_contacted_at": null,
      "updated_at": 1541155954,
      "session_count": null,
      "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120u0026type=svgu0026text=GO",
      "landing_url": "",
      "original_referrer": null,
      "last_seen_ip": null,
      "last_seen_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36",
      "location_data": {
        "city_name": null,
        "region_name": null,
        "country_name": null,
        "country_code": null,
        "continent_name": null,
        "continent_code": null,
        "latitude": null,
        "longitude": null,
        "postal_code": null,
        "time_zone": null,
        "utc_offset": null
      "segments": [
          "id": 615,
          "name": "test rule",
          "created_at": 1528984324,
          "updated_at": 1542803636
      "tags": [],
      "social_profiles": [],
      "custom_properties": {
        "facebook": ""
      "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false"
    "scheduled_date_time": 1541138400,
    "invitee_name": "Example",
    "invitee_email": "[email protected]",
    "invitee_other_details": {
    "created_at": 1541156335,
    "updated_at": 1541156885,
    "duration": 45,
    "user_time_zone": "Asia/Calcutta",
    "agent_time_zone": "Etc/GMT+12",
    "cancellation_reason": "Testing"

Meeting Rescheduled

Meeting rescheduled webhook will trigger when a meeting is rescheduled with agent in Gist. We can be identified the meeting rescheduled webhook by "event_type":"meeting_rescheduled" and the rescheduled meeting as "meeting" in request parameter of webhook post request to endpoint URL.

Meeting Rescheduled

  "event_type": "meeting_rescheduled",
  "meeting": {
    "id": 4,
    "contact": {
      "type": "lead",
      "id": 297229,
      "name": "Example",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "user_id": null,
      "phone": null,
      "created_at": 1541155954,
      "signed_up_at": 1541155953,
      "last_seen_at": 1541155953,
      "last_contacted_at": null,
      "updated_at": 1541155954,
      "session_count": null,
      "avatar": "[email protected]?size=120u0026type=svgu0026text=GO",
      "landing_url": "",
      "original_referrer": null,
      "last_seen_ip": null,
      "last_seen_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36",
      "location_data": {
        "city_name": null,
        "region_name": null,
        "country_name": null,
        "country_code": null,
        "continent_name": null,
        "continent_code": null,
        "latitude": null,
        "longitude": null,
        "postal_code": null,
        "time_zone": null,
        "utc_offset": null
      "segments": [
          "id": 615,
          "name": "test rule",
          "created_at": 1528984324,
          "updated_at": 1542803636
      "tags": [],
      "social_profiles": [],
      "custom_properties": {
        "facebook": ""
      "unsubscribed_from_emails": "false"
    "scheduled_date_time": 1541138400,
    "invitee_name": "Example",
    "invitee_email": "[email protected]",
    "invitee_other_details": {
    "created_at": 1541156335,
    "updated_at": 1541156885,
    "duration": 45,
    "user_time_zone": "Asia/Calcutta",
    "agent_time_zone": "Etc/GMT+12",


When selling online, there are many activities your customers (and potential customers) can take. Passing the details of these activities to Gist helps enable a deeper content personalization through workflow automation.


The store object

Example Response

    "store_id": 97135842,
    "name": "Voice Out",
    "domain": "",
    "status": "connected",
    "currency_code": "USD",
    "abandon_cart_interval": 1,
    "contact_tags": "ecommerce contact,first store contact"

A Store object describes the store. It represents a link between a Gist workspace and a store/account in an external service such as Shopify.

It contains the following fields:

Property Type Required Description
store_id string no The id representing the store generated by Gist.
name string yes The store name of the ecommerce site or domain as the store name if name not presence
domain string yes The domain of the ecommerce site.
status string no Active status of the store. We trigger the automations and workflows for the connected stores only. Default is disconnected
currency_code string yes The three-letter ISO 4217 code for the currency that the store accepts.
abandon_cart_interval number yes The time before a cart is considered abandoned. This triggers the abandon cart automations. Defaults to 1 hour.
contact_tags string no Name of the tag that will be applied on WooCommerce contacts(s). Separate multiple tags with commas

Create a store

Example Request

$ curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json' \
--data '{
        "name": "Voice Out",
        "domain": "",
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "status": "disconnected",
        "abandon_cart_interval": 1,
        "contact_tags": "ecommerce contact,first store contact"

Example Response

    "ecommerce_store": {
        "store_id": 97135842,
        "name": "Voice Out",
        "domain": "",
        "status": "disconnected",
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "abandon_cart_interval": 1,
        "contact_tags": "ecommerce contact,first store contact"

Add a new store to your Gist workspace.



A Store object.

Update a store

Example Request

$ curl --request PATCH \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json' \
--data '{
        "name": "Voice Out",
        "domain": "",
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "status": "connected",
        "abandon_cart_interval": 1,
        "contact_tags": "ecommerce contact,first store contact"

Example Response

    "ecommerce_store": {
        "store_id": 97135842,
        "name": "Voice Out",
        "domain": "",
        "status": "connected",
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "abandon_cart_interval": 1,
        "contact_tags": "ecommerce contact,first store contact"

Update a store in your Gist workspace.



A Store object.

Retrieve a store

Example Request

$ curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "ecommerce_store": {
        "store_id": 97135842,
        "name": "Voice Out",
        "domain": "",
        "status": "disconnected",
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "abandon_cart_interval": 1,
        "contact_tags": "ecommerce contact,first store contact"

Retrieve a store from your Gist workspace.



A Store object.

List all stores

Example Request

$ curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "ecommerce_stores": [
            "store_id": 97135842,
            "name": "Voice Out",
            "domain": "",
            "status": "connected",
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "abandon_cart_interval": 1,
            "contact_tags": "ecommerce contact,first store contact"
            "store_id": 97135841,
            "name": "Flower Day",
            "domain": "",
            "status": "disconnected",
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "abandon_cart_interval": 1,
            "contact_tags": "ecommerce contact,first store contact"

Retrieve all stores from your Gist workspace.



A list of Store objects.


The customer object

Example Response

    "customer_id": "1234",
    "email_address": "[email protected]",
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "billing_address": {
        "address1": "969 Market",
        "address2": "",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "California",
        "postcode": "94103",
        "country": "US",
        "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
    "shipping_address": {
            "address1": "969 Market",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555"

Add Customers to your Store to track their orders and to view E-Commerce data for your Gist segments and campaigns. Each Customer is connected to a Gist Contact, so adding a Customer can also add or update the attached contact.

It contains the following fields:

Property Type Required Description
customer_id string yes A unique, internal id for the customer (generally the primary key generated by the ecommerce platform)
email_address string yes The customer's email address.
first_name string no The customer's first name.
last_name string no The customer's last name.
billing_address object no The customer's billing address.
shipping_address object no The customer's shipping address.

The billing_address and shipping_address object has the following fields:

Property Type Required Description
address1 string no The mailing address of the customer.
address2 string no An additional field for the customer's mailing address.
city string no The city the customer is located in.
state string no The customer's state name or normalized province.
postcode string no The customer's postal or zip code.
country string no The customer's country.
phone string no The customer's phone number.

Create a customer

Example Request

$ curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json' \
--data '{
        "customer_id": "1234",
        "email_address": "[email protected]",
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "billing_address": {
            "address1": "969 Market",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
        "shipping_address": {
            "address1": "969 Market",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555"

Example Response

    "ecommerce_customer": {
        "customer_id": "1234",
        "email_address": "[email protected]",
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "billing_address": {
            "address1": "969 Market",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
        "shipping_address": {
            "address1": "969 Market",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555"

Add a new customer to your ecommerce store.



A Customer object.

Update a customer

Example Request

$ curl --request PATCH \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json' \
--data '{
        "email_address": "[email protected]",
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "billing_address": {
            "address1": "969 Market",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
        "shipping_address": {
            "address1": "969 Market",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555"

Example Response

    "ecommerce_customer": {
        "customer_id": "1234",
        "email_address": "[email protected]",
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "billing_address": {
            "address1": "969 Market",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
        "shipping_address": {
            "address1": "969 Market",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555"

Update a customer in your ecommerce store.



A Customer object.

Retrieve a customer

Example Request

$ curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "ecommerce_customer": {
        "customer_id": "1234",
        "email_address": "[email protected]",
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "billing_address": {
            "address1": "969 Market",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
        "shipping_address": {
            "address1": "969 Market",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555"

Retrieve a customer from your Gist workspace.



A Customer object.


The product object

Example Response

    "product_id": "1234",
    "title": " LG - Washing Machine BT12",
    "description": "Fully Automatic Front Load Washing Machines have Great Wash Quality with very less running cost",
    "product_url": "",
    "vendor": "LG",
    "image_url": "",
    "price": 30000,
    "sku": "WAS-F12",
    "inventory_quantity": 8,
    "backorders": "true",
    "categories": [
              { "category_id": 1, "name": "Shoes" },
              { "category_id": 2, "name": "Vitamins" }
    "product_published_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02"

E-commerce items for sale in your store need to be created as Products so you can add the items to a Cart or an Order. You can have a Product without variant which means Product doesn't require variants for main products.

It contains the following fields:

Property Type Required Description
product_id string yes A unique, internal id for the product (generally the primary key generated by the ecommerce platform).
title string yes The title of a product.
description string no The description of a product.
product_url string no The URL for a product.
vendor string no The vendor for a product.
image_url string no The image URL for a product.
price string no The price of a product.
sku string no The stock keeping unit (SKU) of a product.
inventory_quantity integer no The currently available inventory of the product.
backorders string no The backorders of a product.
categories array no An array of categories associated with the product (e.g. shoes, vitamins, books, videos).
product_published_at timestamp no The date and time the product was published.

Create a product

Example Request

$ curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json' \
--data '{
            "product_id": "1234",
            "title": " LG - Washing Machine BT12",
            "description": "Fully Automatic Front Load Washing Machines have Great Wash Quality with very less running cost",
            "product_url": "",
            "vendor": "LG",
            "image_url": "",
            "price": 30000,
            "sku": "WAS-F12",
            "inventory_quantity": 8,
            "backorders": "true",
            "categories": [1, 3],
            "product_published_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02"

Example Response

    "ecommerce_product": {
            "product_id": "1234",
            "title": " LG - Washing Machine BT12",
            "description": "Fully Automatic Front Load Washing Machines have Great Wash Quality with very less running cost",
            "product_url": "",
            "vendor": "LG",
            "image_url": "",
            "price": 30000,
            "sku": "WAS-F12",
            "inventory_quantity": 8,
            "backorders": "true",
            "categories": [
              { "category_id": 1, "name": "Shoes" },
              { "category_id": 2, "name": "Vitamins" }
            "product_published_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02"

Add a new product to your ecommerce store.



A Product object.

Update a product

Example Request

$ curl --request PATCH \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json' \
--data '{
            "title": " LG - Washing Machine BT12",
            "description": "Fully Automatic Front Load Washing Machines have Great Wash Quality with very less running cost",
            "product_url": "",
            "vendor": "LG",
            "image_url": "",
            "price": 30000,
            "sku": "WAS-F12",
            "inventory_quantity": 8,
            "backorders": "true",
            "categories": [1, 3],
            "product_published_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02"

Example Response

    "ecommerce_product": {
            "product_id": "1234",
            "title": " LG - Washing Machine BT12",
            "description": "Fully Automatic Front Load Washing Machines have Great Wash Quality with very less running cost",
            "product_url": "",
            "vendor": "LG",
            "image_url": "",
            "price": 30000,
            "sku": "WAS-F12",
            "inventory_quantity": 8,
            "backorders": "true",
            "categories": [
              { "category_id": 1, "name": "Shoes" },
              { "category_id": 2, "name": "Vitamins" }
            "product_published_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02"

Update a product in your ecommerce store.



A Product object.

Retrieve a product

Example Request

$ curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "ecommerce_product": {
            "product_id": "1234",
            "title": " LG - Washing Machine BT12",
            "description": "Fully Automatic Front Load Washing Machines have Great Wash Quality with very less running cost",
            "product_url": "",
            "vendor": "LG",
            "image_url": "",
            "price": 30000,
            "sku": "WAS-F12",
            "inventory_quantity": 8,
            "backorders": "true",
            "categories": [
              { "category_id": 1, "name": "Shoes" },
              { "category_id": 2, "name": "Vitamins" }
            "product_published_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02"

Retrieve a product from your Gist workspace.



A Product object.

Product Variants

The Product variant object

Example Response

    "product_id": "1234",
    "product_variant_id": "1234",
    "title": " LG - Washing Machine BT12",
    "description": "Fully Automatic Front Load Washing Machines have Great Wash Quality with very less running cost",
    "product_url": "",
    "vendor": "LG",
    "image_url": "",
    "price": 30000,
    "sku": "WAS-F12",
    "inventory_quantity": 8,
    "backorders": "true"

A variant can be added to a Product resource to represent one version of a product with several options.

It contains the following fields:

Property Type Required Description
product_id string yes A unique, internal id for the product (generally the primary key generated by the ecommerce platform).
product_variant_id string yes A unique identifier for the specific product variant from the provider. For example, a t-shirt may have one product_id, but several product_variant_ids for sizes and colors. If a product does not have multiple variants and you do not have a variant identifier in your system, repeat the product_id here.
title string yes The title of a product variant.
description string no The description of a product variant.
product_url string no The URL for a product variant.
vendor string no The vendor for a product.
image_url string no The image URL for a product variant.
price string no The price of a product variant.
sku string no The stock keeping unit (SKU) of a product variant.
inventory_quantity integer no The currently available inventory of the product.
backorders string no The backorders of a product variant.

Create a Product variant

Example Request

$ curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json' \
--data '{
            "product_variant_id": "1234",
            "title": " LG - Washing Machine BT12",
            "description": "Fully Automatic Front Load Washing Machines have Great Wash Quality with very less running cost",
            "product_url": "",
            "vendor": "LG",
            "image_url": "",
            "price": 30000,
            "sku": "WAS-F12",
            "inventory_quantity": 8,
            "backorders": "true"

Example Response

    "ecommerce_product_variant": {
            "product_variant_id": "1234",
            "title": " LG - Washing Machine BT12",
            "description": "Fully Automatic Front Load Washing Machines have Great Wash Quality with very less running cost",
            "product_url": "",
            "vendor": "LG",
            "image_url": "",
            "price": 30000,
            "sku": "WAS-F12",
            "inventory_quantity": 8,
            "backorders": "true"

Add a new product variant in ecommerce store.



A Product variant object.

Update a Product variant

Example Request

$ curl --request PATCH \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json' \
--data '{
            "title": " LG - Washing Machine BT12",
            "description": "Fully Automatic Front Load Washing Machines have Great Wash Quality with very less running cost",
            "product_url": "",
            "vendor": "LG",
            "image_url": "",
            "price": 30000,
            "sku": "WAS-F12",
            "inventory_quantity": 8,
            "backorders": "true"

Example Response

    "ecommerce_product_variant": {
            "product_variant_id": "1234",
            "title": " LG - Washing Machine BT12",
            "description": "Fully Automatic Front Load Washing Machines have Great Wash Quality with very less running cost",
            "product_url": "",
            "vendor": "LG",
            "image_url": "",
            "price": 30000,
            "sku": "WAS-F12",
            "inventory_quantity": 8,
            "backorders": "true"

Update a product variant in your ecommerce store.



A Product variant object.

Retrieve a Product variant

Example Request

$ curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "ecommerce_product_variant": {
            "product_variant_id": "1234",
            "title": " LG - Washing Machine BT12",
            "description": "Fully Automatic Front Load Washing Machines have Great Wash Quality with very less running cost",
            "product_url": "",
            "vendor": "LG",
            "image_url": "",
            "price": 30000,
            "sku": "WAS-F12",
            "inventory_quantity": 8,
            "backorders": "true"

Retrieve a product variant from your Gist workspace.



A Product variant object.

Product Categories

The product category object

Example Response

  "category_id": 1234,
  "name": "Electronics"

It contains the following fields:

Property Type Required Description
category_id string yes A unique, internal id for the product category (generally the primary key generated by the ecommerce platform)
name string yes The name of a product category.

Create a product category

Example Request

$ curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json' \
--data '{
          "category_id": 12,
          "name": "Electronics"

Example Response

    "ecommerce_category": {
        "category_id": 1234,
        "name": "Electronics"

Add a new product category to your ecommerce store.



A Product Category object.

Update a product category

Example Request

$ curl --request PATCH \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json' \
--data '{
          "name": "Electronics"

Example Response

    "ecommerce_category": {
        "category_id": 1234,
        "name": "Electronics"

Update a product category in your ecommerce store.



A Product Category object.

Retrieve a product category

Example Request

$ curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "ecommerce_category": {
        "category_id": 1234,
        "name": "Electronics"

Retrieve a product category from your Gist workspace.



A Product Category object.


Passing in all required fields for Cart API will enable "Abandoned a cart" action in your Gist workflows. Leverage that content in our Visual Email Builder to send Cart Abandonment emails containing item details.

Note that Cart Activity will show up on a contact's activity timeline as either a "Created a cart" or "Updated a cart" event.

The cart object

Example Response

    "ecommerce_cart": {
        "customer": {
          "customer_id": "1234",
          "email_address": "[email protected]",
          "first_name": "John",
          "last_name": "Doe",
          "billing_address": {
            "address1": "969 Market",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
          "shipping_address": {
            "address1": "969 Market",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
        "checkout_url": "",
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "order_total": 234,
        "discount_total": 12,
        "created_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02",
        "updated_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02",
        "line_items": [
                "product_id": "12",
                "product_variant_id": "24",
                "quantity": 3,
                "price": 2000
                "product_id": "1",
                "product_variant_id": "1",
                "quantity": 3,
                "price": 2000

It contains the following fields:

Property Type Required Description
customer_id string yes A unique, internal id for the customer (generally the primary key generated by the ecommerce platform)
checkout_url string no The URL for the cart. This parameter is required for Abandoned Cart automations.
currency_code string yes The three-letter ISO 4217 code for the currency that the cart uses.
order_total number yes The order total for the cart.
discount_total number no The discount total for the cart.
line_items object[] yes An array of the cart's line items.
created_at date no The date and time the cart was created in ISO 8601 format. This parameter is used for Abandoned Cart automations.
updated_at date no The date and time the cart was last updated in ISO 8601 format. This parameter is used for Abandoned Cart automations.

The line item object has the following fields:

Property Type Required Description
product_id string no A unique identifier for the product associated with the cart line item.
product_variant_id string no A unique identifier for the product variant associated with the cart line item.
quantity number no The quantity of a cart line item.
price number no The price of a cart line item.

Create or Update a cart

Example Request

$ curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json' \
--data '{
            "checkout_url": "",
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "order_total": 234,
            "discount_total": 12,
            "created_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02",
            "updated_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02",
            "line_items": [
                    "product_id": "12",
                    "product_variant_id": "24",
                    "quantity": 3,
                    "price": 2000
                    "product_id": "1",
                    "product_variant_id": "1",
                    "quantity": 3,
                    "price": 2000

Example Response

    "ecommerce_cart": {
        "customer": {
          "customer_id": "1234",
          "email_address": "[email protected]",
          "first_name": "John",
          "last_name": "Doe",
          "billing_address": {
            "address1": "969 Market",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
          "shipping_address": {
            "address1": "969 Market",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
        "checkout_url": "",
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "order_total": 234,
        "discount_total": 12,
        "created_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02",
        "updated_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02",
        "line_items": [
                "product_id": "12",
                "product_variant_id": "24",
                "quantity": 3,
                "price": 2000
                "product_id": "1",
                "product_variant_id": "1",
                "quantity": 3,
                "price": 2000

Add a new cart to your ecommerce store.



A Cart object.

Delete a cart

Example Request

$ curl --request DELETE \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json'

Example Response

    "ecommerce_cart": {
        "customer": {
          "customer_id": "1234",
          "email_address": "[email protected]",
          "first_name": "John",
          "last_name": "Doe",
          "billing_address": {
            "address1": "969 Market",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
          "shipping_address": {
            "address1": "969 Market",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
        "checkout_url": "",
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "order_total": 234,
        "discount_total": 12,
        "created_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02",
        "updated_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02",
        "line_items": [
                "product_id": "12",
                "product_variant_id": "24",
                "quantity": 3,
                "price": 2000
                "product_id": "1",
                "product_variant_id": "1",
                "quantity": 3,
                "price": 2000

Remove a cart from your Gist workspace.



A Cart object.


Orders will show up on a contact's activity timeline as an event. An order’s financial_status can be pending, on-hold, partially_paid, paid, partially_refunded, refunded, cancelled. Changing the status will result in tracking events for the contact.

For example, sending "pending" results in a "Placed an order" event and sending "paid" will result in an "Paid an order" event.

Gist will keep a contact's Lifetime Time Value (LTV) up-to-date with their orders. For example, if a customer places an order with an order_total of $100, their LTV will be incremented by $100. If the order is then updated, paid, or fulfilled with a order_total value of $105, the customer’s LTV will increase by $5. If the order is then canceled or refunded with a refund_amount of $105, the customer’s LTV will decrease by $105.

Whenever order resources are saved through the API, the aggregate data fields of the related contact are automatically updated.

The order object

Example Response

    "order_id": "12",
    "customer_id": "12",
    "currency_code": "USD",
    "order_total": 234,
    "discount_total": 12,
    "tax_total": 1,
    "shipping_total": 1,
    "financial_status": "paid",
    "fulfillment_status": "fulfilled",
    "order_url": "",
    "tracking_number": "12345678",
    "tracking_carrier": "FedEx",
    "tracking_url": "",
    "processed_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02",
    "updated_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02",
    "cancelled_at:": "",
    "billing_address": {
        "name": "John Doe",
        "address1": "969 Market",
        "address2": "",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "California",
        "postcode": "94103",
        "country": "US",
        "phone": "(555) 555-5555",
        "company_name": ""
    "shipping_address": {
        "name": "John Doe",
        "address1": "969 Market",
        "address2": "",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "California",
        "postcode": "94103",
        "country": "US",
        "phone": "(555) 555-5555",
        "company_name": ""
    "line_items": [
            "product_id": "12",
            "product_variant_id": "24",
            "quantity": 3,
            "price": 2000
            "product_id": "1",
            "product_variant_id": "1",
            "quantity": 3,
            "price": 2000

It contains the following fields:

Property Type Required Description
order_id string yes A unique, internal id for the order (generally the primary key generated by the ecommerce platform)
customer_id string yes A unique, internal id for the customer (generally the primary key generated by the ecommerce platform)
currency_code string yes The three-letter ISO 4217 code for the currency that the order uses.
order_total number yes The total for the order.
processed_at date yes The date and time the order was processed in ISO 8601 format.
discount_total number no The total amount of the discounts to be applied to the price of the order.
tax_total number no The tax total associated with an order.
shipping_total number no The shipping total for the order.
financial_status string no The order status. Defaults to "pending" and can be set to: pending, on-hold, partially_paid, paid, partially_refunded, refunded, cancelled, failed.
fulfillment_status string no The fulfillment status for the order. Defaults to null and can be set to partially_fulfilled, fulfilled.
order_url string no The URL for the order.
tracking_number string no The tracking number associated with the order.
tracking_carrier string no The tracking carrier associated with the order.
tracking_url string no The tracking URL associated with the order.
updated_at date no The date and time the order was updated in ISO 8601 format.
cancelled_at date no The date and time the order was cancelled in ISO 8601 format.
shipping_address object no The shipping address for the order.
billing_address object no The billing address for the order.
line_items object[] yes An array of the cart's line items.
cart_id string no A unique identifier for the cart.

Both address objects have the following fields:

Property Type Required Description
name string no The name associated with the address.
address1 string no The address for the order.
address2 string no An additional field for the address.
city string no The city in the address.
state string no The state or normalized province in the address.
postal_code string no The postal or zip code in the address.
country string no The country in the address.
phone string no The phone number for the address.
company_name string no The company associated with the address.

The line item object has the following fields:

Property Type Required Description
product_id string no A unique identifier for the product associated with the cart line item.
product_variant_id string no A unique identifier for the product variant associated with the cart line item.
quantity number no The quantity of a cart line item.
price number no The price of a cart line item.

Create an order

Example Request

$ curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/json' \
--data '{
            "order_id": "12",
            "customer_id": "12",
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "order_total": 234,
            "discount_total": 12,
            "tax_total": 1,
            "shipping_total": 1,
            "financial_status": "pending",
            "fulfillment_status": "fulfilled",
            "order_url": "",
            "tracking_number": "12345678",
            "tracking_carrier": "FedEx",
            "tracking_url": "",
            "processed_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02",
            "updated_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02",
            "cancelled_at:": "",
            "billing_address": {
                "name": "John Doe",
                "address1": "969 Market",
                "address2": "",
                "city": "San Francisco",
                "state": "California",
                "postcode": "94103",
                "country": "US",
                "phone": "(555) 555-5555",
                "company_name": ""
            "shipping_address": {
                "name": "John Doe",
                "address1": "969 Market",
                "address2": "",
                "city": "San Francisco",
                "state": "California",
                "postcode": "94103",
                "country": "US",
                "phone": "(555) 555-5555",
                "company_name": ""
            "line_items": [
                    "product_id": "12",
                    "product_variant_id": "24",
                    "quantity": 3,
                    "price": 2000
                    "product_id": "1",
                    "product_variant_id": "1",
                    "quantity": 3,
                    "price": 2000

Example Response

    "ecommerce_order": {
        "order_id": "12",
        "customer_id": "12",
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "order_total": 234,
        "discount_total": 12,
        "tax_total": 1,
        "shipping_total": 1,
        "financial_status": "paid",
        "fulfillment_status": "fulfilled",
        "order_url": "",
        "tracking_number": "12345678",
        "tracking_carrier": "FedEx",
        "tracking_url": "",
        "processed_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02",
        "updated_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02",
        "cancelled_at:": "",
        "billing_address": {
            "name": "John Doe",
            "address1": "969 Market",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555",
            "company_name": ""
        "shipping_address": {
            "name": "John Doe",
            "address1": "969 Market",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555",
            "company_name": ""
        "line_items": [
                "product_id": "12",
                "product_variant_id": "24",
                "quantity": 3,
                "price": 2000
                "product_id": "1",
                "product_variant_id": "1",
                "quantity": 3,
                "price": 2000

Add a new order to your ecommerce store.



An Order object.

Update an order

Example Request

$ curl --request PATCH \
--url \
--header 'Authorization:Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
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--data '{
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            "order_total": 234,
            "discount_total": 12,
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            "processed_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02",
            "updated_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02",
            "cancelled_at:": "",
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                "address2": "",
                "city": "San Francisco",
                "state": "California",
                "postcode": "94103",
                "country": "US",
                "phone": "(555) 555-5555",
                "company_name": ""
            "shipping_address": {
                "name": "John Doe",
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                "address2": "",
                "city": "San Francisco",
                "state": "California",
                "postcode": "94103",
                "country": "US",
                "phone": "(555) 555-5555",
                "company_name": ""
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Example Response

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        "tracking_url": "",
        "processed_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02",
        "updated_at": "2017-03-22T16:28:02",
        "cancelled_at:": "",
        "billing_address": {
            "name": "John Doe",
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            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555",
            "company_name": ""
        "shipping_address": {
            "name": "John Doe",
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            "address2": "",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "state": "California",
            "postcode": "94103",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "(555) 555-5555",
            "company_name": ""
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                "quantity": 3,
                "price": 2000
                "product_id": "1",
                "product_variant_id": "1",
                "quantity": 3,
                "price": 2000

An existing order is updated in your Gist workspace.



An Order object.